Recording of a Sainsbury's Business Television programme for Sainsbury's staff (mainly store management teams). It was broadcast on 22 July 2002 by satellite to Sainsbury's stores, depots and offices.
The description on the tape sleeve reads "This programme showcases the 2002 'Back to School' offer, part of the Family Value campaign that launched in store on Wednesday 24th July. Steve Potts, Events Manager, Seasonal Events and Promotions talks through the 'Back to School' offer that saw Sainsbury's stores stocking school uniforms for the first time ever. 'Back to School' also includes a range of branded trainers and rucksacks as well as an improved stationery range. The programme also features children showcasing the schoolwear ranges in a playground fashion shoot. 428 stores will either have all or some of the components of the range which has the potential to deliver £8m worth of sales if all stores got behind it."
The programme was filmed at Cameron Toll, Edinburgh Savacentre store. It includes clothing products from brands including Adams, Nike, Adidas and Jeff & Co, and Letts CD-ROMs. Cameron Toll store manager, non-food Mandy Boynes explains best display practices. The programme also includes Blue Parrot Café food products as an example of "associate lines".
Duration: 7 minutes 15 seconds. The video ends with credits thanking the children who appear in the fashion shoots, colleagues at Cameron Toll and the Lothian Youth Arts & Musicals Company.
Business Television - 2002
Sainsbury's Business Television programme about "Back to School" products, 22 July 2002
- Ref. No: SA/SC/4/4/8/6
- Date: 22 Jul 2002
- Level: File
- Extent: 1 file
- Access: Review before access
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