JS Journal - 1957
- Ref. No: SA/SC/JSJ/11
- Format: Publication
- Date: 1957
- Level: SubSeries
- Extent: 12 volumes
- Access: Open
'JS Journal', January 1957
Jan 1957Keywords: opening of Hemel Hempstead branch as a self service store (includes photographs; front cover features a picture of the "Lumenated" ceiling) pp.1-14; prizewinning cheddar cheeses (with...

'JS Journal', February 1957
Feb 1957Front cover features a picture of the reconstruction of Paddington branch as a self service store. Speech made by Mr Alan Sainsbury's at the College for the Distributive Trades Prizegiving (includes...

'JS Journal', March 1957
Mar 1957Front cover features a picture of jam labels being varnished in a factory. Speech by Mr James Sainsbury at the Annual Dinner of the London Provision Exchange on contemporary trends in marketing...

'JS Journal', April 1957
April 1957The new Training Centre (includes pictures) pgs 1-8; Picture of the Dulwich hostel pg 8; Mr H Tallemach and his job as a ticket writer (includes picture) pg 9; 'Hormone Feeding of Beef' (includes...

'JS Journal', May 1957
May 1957Front cover features a picture of Ms C. J. Gatrell at 67 Sutton branch in the grocery warehouse. 'New Sampling Rooms at Stamford House' [head office] (includes pictures) pgs 1-6; Mr Colmer retires...

'JS Journal', June 1957
June 1957Work of the cheese department at Blackfriars [head office] (includes pictures) pgs 1-5; Making cheese (includes pictures) pgs 6-10; Mrs J. G. Cox and her job as supervisor of cleaning at head office...

'JS Journal', July 1957
July 1957'The new J.S. Laboratory' at Blackfriars [head office] (includes pictures) pgs 1-9; Mr J. S. Pye and his job as a driver (includes picture) pgs 15-16; Pinner branch (includes pictures) pgs 20-23;...

'JS Journal', August 1957
Aug 1957Mr James Sainsbury elected new Chairman of the London Provision Exchange (includes picture) pgs 1; Exhibition stand at the Royal Agricultural Society of England at the Norfolk show ground (includes...

'JS Journal', September 1957
Sep 1957Guildford branch (includes pictures) pgs 1-8; Mr A. R. Fry and his job of overseeing food imports (includes picture) pgs 9; Ready to cook poultry (includes pictures of the Sussex factory) pgs 10-13;...

'JS Journal', October 1957
Oct 1957Romford branch (includes pictures) pgs 1-7; 'Condensing Milk' (includes pictures) pgs 8-12; John Dowling and his jobs at Sainsbury (includes picture) pg 17; 'Meet your contact clerks' (includes...

'JS Journal', November 1957
Nov 1957Front cover features a picture of a till at the new Paddington self service store. Paddington branch opens as a self service store (includes pictures of the illuminated ceiling and raised office) pgs...

'JS Journal', Christmas 1957
1957Turkey preparations at Bradley Brothers, Brewery House Farm, Middle Wallop (includes pictures) pgs 1-7); Mr H. E. Jordan and his job as liasion officer with poultry suppliers and packing stations...

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