JS Journal - 1962
- Ref. No: SA/SC/JSJ/16
- Format: Publication
- Date: 1962
- Level: SubSeries
- Extent: 9 volumes
- Access: Open
'JS Journal', January/February 1962
Jan-Feb 1962Keywords: Bristol self-service store (with photographs) pp.2-8; five-day trading (with photographs) pp.9-12, J.S. cake manufacture (with photographs) pp.13-17; photograph of new branch at Welwyn...

'JS Journal', March 1962
Mar 1962Keywords: J.S. Planning Committee (with photographs) pp.2-11; Unilever (supplier to Sainsbury's) with photographs pp.14-18; extended branch at New Malden divided into a counter-service shop and a...

'JS Journal', April/May 1962
Apr-May 1962Keywords: Mr R.J. writes on the occasion of Mr Alan becoming a life peer p.2; tribute to Mr F.W. Salisbury on his retirement (with photographs) pp.3-7; Mr Timothy and Mr B.T. Ramm (with...

'JS Journal', June/July 1962
Jun-Jul 1962Keywords: photograph of wedding of Mr Roger Jackson Clark and Miss Elizabeth Sainsbury p.2; opening of Forest Gate self-service branch (with photographs) pp.3-7; Frears Limited (with photographs)...

'JS Journal', August/September 1962
Aug-Sep 1962Keywords: death of Arthur Sainsbury (with photograph) p.2; Princess Alexandra at Suffolk County Show (with photographs) p.3; opening of Maidstone self-service branch (with photographs) pp.4-8;...

'JS Journal', September 1962
Sep 1962Keywords: 'Family' Car Quiz photograph p.2; William Donald and Scotch Beef (with photographs) pp.3-9; Factory (with photograph) p.17; views from the roof of Factory (two photographs) pp.18-19;...

'JS Journal', November 1962
Nov 1962Keywords: new self-service shop at 40/44 Walthamstow (with photographs) pp.2-4; new self-service branch at Boreham Wood (with photographs) pp.5-7; Aberdeen Angus herd (with photographs) pp.8-9;...

'JS Journal', December 1962
Dec 1962Keywords: The Bradley Brothers: turkey breeding (with photographs) pp.2-7; J.S. Veterans (with photographs) pp.8-9; Sainsbury Egg Group Conference (with photographs) pp.12-13; new branch at Bedford...

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