JS Journal - 1970
- Ref. No: SA/SC/JSJ/24
- Format: Publication
- Date: 1970
- Level: SubSeries
- Extent: 5 volumes
- Access: Open
'JS Journal', March 1970
Mar 1970Front cover: Picture of Mrs Roy Jenkins with Mr and Mrs John Sainsbury at the opening of the first decimal shop in 9/11 Croydon. Opening of the first decimal shop in Britain at 9/11 Croydon,...

'JS Journal', May/June 1970
May-Jun 1970Work of the sampling kitchen/quality control at Blackfriars [head office] (includes pictures) pgs 2-9; Opening of the Burton upon Trent branch (includes pictures) pgs 10-13; Pictures of Bracknell and...

'JS Journal', July/August 1970
Jul-Aug 1970Front and Back covers: Picture of Charlton depot. New depot at Charlton (includes pictures) pgs 2-13; Pictures of the opening of the new High Wycombe branch pgs 14-17; Sainsbury Centenary Grant pg...

'JS Journal', October/November 1970
Oct-Nov 1970Pictures of the opening of the new Folkestone branch pgs 2-7; Pictures of Harpenden and Magdalen Street, Norwich branches pgs 8-14; Retail Management Training Programme (includes pictures) pgs 15-17;...

'JS Journal', December 1970
Dec 1970Making cider (includes pictures) pgs 2-11; Pictures of the opening of the new branch at Hemel Hempstead pgs 22-26; Self Service 1956 - Supermarket 1970 (includes pictures) pgs 27-29; Pictures of...

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