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Sainsbury Archive Logo
Compilation of television commercials for SavaCentre (former hypermarket chain established by Sainsbury's and British Home Stores (BHS), and later fully owned by Sainsbury's). The label indicates the adverts were copied from some U-matic tapes.

1. Make It A Pleasure 40 secs TVS/SAV/50 13/9/1982 voiced by Tom Baker, for Oldbury store
2. [More for Less], for Edinburgh store
3. [More for Less] for Oldbury store
4. [More for Less], for Washington store
5. [More for Less], for Edinburgh store
6. [More for Less], for Oldbury store
7. [More for Less], for Washington store
8. [Jumpin'] for Oldbury store
9.[Jumpin'] for Washington store
10. [Jumpin'] for Edinburgh store
11. The Savacentre sale, Washington
12. [Jumpin'] for
13. [Jumpin'] for Washington store
14. [Jumpin'] for Washington store
15. [Jumpin'] for Edinburgh store
16. [Jumpin'] for Edinburgh store
17. Sava Centre Sale, Oldbury store
18. SavaCentre Sale, Oldbury store
19. SavaCentre Sale, Hempstead Valley store
20. SavaCentre Sale, Hempstead Valley store
21. Savacentre Sale, Washington New Town store
22. SavaCentre Sale, Edinburgh store
23. SavaCentre Sale, Edinburgh store
24. [Make It A Pleasure] for Oldbury store
25. for Washington store
26. for Calcot, Basildon and Hampstead stores
27. [Checkout]
28. [Checkout]
29. [Checkout]
30. [Checkout] - faulty, in black & white
31. [Checkout] for Washington New Town store
32. [Checkout] for Hempstead Valley store
33. [Checkout] for
34. [Checkout] for Edinburgh store
35. [Checkout] (2) for Washington
36. [Checkout] (2) for Hempstead Valley
37. [Checkout] (2) for Calcot, Reading
38. [Checkout] (2) for Edinburgh
39. [Checkout] (2) for Calcot, Reading