Photograph of female butcher, Second World War

Photograph of unknown branch exterior with rationing window advertisements
1940sPhotograph features poster in window "The things you see rarely are all shared out fairly at Sainsbury's". Also features adjacent shops Sanders Bros (grocery) and Rego (tailors/hosiers).

Image of ration book

J Sainsbury ration card image
[1939-1950s]Image of Sainsbury's ration card. These ration cards were used to give priority to regular customers for non-rationed goods in short supply. See also SA/WAR/2/2/1 for leaflet explaining the card.

Image of 'Very Important' rationing notice
[1940]Notice headed 'VERY IMPORTANT whether you usually shop at Sainsbury's or not. RATIONING'. It gives reasons why customers should register at Sainsbury's. Date given is that of the notice rather than of...

Photograph of customer with ration book being served with eggs
[1940-1953]This photograph is featured in 'The Best Butter in the World' page 112.

Photograph of customer being served at counter, with coupons being cut from her ration book

Photograph of emergency shop
[1939-1945]The photograph shows a Sainsbury's emergency shop set up outside a bombed building. It was one of two vans used to serve customers when a Sainsbury's branch was unable to trade normally following...

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