'A Sainsbury Guide: Making your own wine and beer' by Mary Norwak (book)
Jun 1986Includes recipes. Contents: Introduction 1 Equipment and ingredients 4 Wine-making 8 Flower wine with grape concentrate Apple wine Rhubarb wine Parsnip madeira Soft fruit rosé wine Carrot...

Sainsbury's 'Extra Strength' Pale Ale packaging design material
[c. 1973-1974]Concept drawings, mock-up and approved out-turn (finished packaging) for a beer can and a three can pack. On one concept drawing the product was referred to as Sainsbury's Gold Label Pale Ale 'Extra...

Sainsbury's Brown Ale proof of label
10 Apr 1969Proof of can label printed on metal and stuck into a booklet titled "Print Progressives". The booklet also has one metal sheet printed just in white.

Sainsbury's Brown Ale "24 cans £2.23 save 5p" labels

Sainsbury's Light Ale (19⅓ fl oz) label
[c. 1971]SA/PKC/PRO/1/18/2/1/6/1

Sainsbury's Best Bitter Homebrew Beer Kit label

Sainsbury's Pale Ale (four cans) packaging
c. 1969Cardboard sleeve to hold four cans of Pale Ale

Image of Sainsbury's Rutland Bitter and Sainsbury's German Lager
[c. 1985]SA/PKC/PRO/1/18/4/2/12

Image of Sainsbury's Bavarian Organic Pilsener Lager
[c. Aug 1992]Image included in 'JS Journal' August-September 1992, p.27

Image of Sainsbury's Bière de Garde
[c. Nov 1991]Image included in 'JS Journal' November 1991, p.21

Image of Sainsbury's French Lager Bière D'Alsace (25 cl)
[c. 1988]SA/PKC/PRO/1/18/4/2/30/2

Image of Sainsbury's French Lager Bière D'Alsace (25 cl)
[c. 1988]There is a retouched duplicate of this image in the duplicates section

Image of Sainsbury's German Lager
Jun 1978SA/PKC/PRO/1/18/4/2/31/1

Image of Sainsbury's German Lager
[c. 1979]SA/PKC/PRO/1/18/4/2/31/4

Image of Sainsbury's Indiana Gold
[c. May 1995]SA/PKC/PRO/1/18/4/2/32/3

Image of Sainsbury's Indiana Gold
[c. Jun 1995]SA/PKC/PRO/1/18/4/2/32/4

Image of Sainsbury's Lager
Jan 1973Negative number W 267. Photographer: [Dennis] T. Waller. Designer: P.J.D. [Peter Dixon]. File number 106 [crossed out].

Image of Sainsbury's Lager (2.21 litres)
[c. Feb 1980]Image included in 'JS Journal' February 1980, p.5

Image of Sainsbury's Lager (440 ml)

Image of Sainsbury's Light Ale (3 bottles each 19⅓fl.oz.)
[c. Jan 1973]SA/PKC/PRO/1/18/4/2/34/3