Sainsbury's Cooked Meats Polish Krajana Ham Sausage packaging design concept

Sainsbury's Cooked Meats Polish Krakowska Ham Sausage with Garlic packaging design concept

Image of Pâté Ardennes and Krajana in "Sainsbury's Delicatessen" packaging
[c. Apr 1981]Image included in 'JS Journal' April 1981, p.9, which states that "Extra information to guide the shopper has been introduced since Christmas onto the wrappers of about half the pre-packed own-label...

"fresh ways with cauliflower" recipe card
Nov 2002Recipe card for: Cauliflower Polonaise; Cauliflower Korma.

"Sainsbury's English and Continental Cooked Meats: take a closer look" leaflet
[c. 1989]Leaflet entitled "Sainsbury's English and Continental Cooked Meats" promoting the following products: roast topside of beef, pepperoni, chicken breast roll, corned beef, roast leg of pork, pork...

Sainsbury's Self-Service cooked meats labels
1966Labels for the following products: Danish Salami with Rum; Danish Salami; German Salami; Hungarian Salami; Italian Mortadella; Krajana (Ham Sausage); Debowiecka; Kabanos; Polish Ring; Krakowska;...

"Sainsbury's announce sandwich courses in Dutch, Hungarian, Polish, Belgian, French, Italian, Greek, German and Danish." magazine advertisement proof
12 Apr 1981Advertisement for Sainsbury's delicatessen range. To be placed in Woman, Woman's Weekly, the Sunday Times Magazine and the Radio Times in April 1981. A label noting details of publication dates and...

"A Sainsbury's Guide: The Delicious Tastes of Cooked Meats" leaflet
[1980s]Features product information about Sainsbury's range of cooked meats (including salami, cooked hams, and Continental and English cooked meats), recipes (Garlic Sausage & Cauliflower Salad; Ham & Leek...

"Something Else New at Sainsbury's West Croydon: A Wide Variety of Continental Sausages Now on Sale" flyer
[c. 1960]Flyer promoting various sausages such as salami, Polish sausages, and also pate.

"A Sainsbury's Guide: The Summer Delights of the Delicatessen" leaflet
[1980s]Advertises the following products: Pastrami; Duck and Orange Pâté; Vegetable Pâté; French Garlic Sausage; Bierwurst; Chorizo; German Smooth Liver Sausage; Italian Salami; Parma Ham or Prosciutto;...

Photographs, slides and transparencies of advertisements for meat and delicatessen products
1898-1990sComprises photographs, slides and transparencies of advertisements for meat and delicatessen products including: sausages (pork, breakfast and low fat); pork brawn; bacon (peat smoked mild cured...
"Sainsbury's fresh ideas from your Winter Deli Counter" booklet
[1990s]"Collect and keep" booklet, similar to "Cook and keep" series of recipe cards. Includes recipes for: Salami and Sunblush tomato pizza; Chicken wrapped in Parma ham; Spanish omelette; Lentils,...

"Continental Delicacies from Sainsbury's" price list for continental foods
Feb 1960A price list for continental foods including: Cheeses (including gorgonzola, parmesan, blue, brie, camembert, St. Paulin, Tome au Raisin, Emmenthal Gruyere, gouda, edam, Primula, cheese spread,...

"Standing Instructions: Cooked Meats Department"
1958-1959Instructions issued by J. Sainsbury Ltd. regarding the storage, handling, preparation and display of cooked meats. Includes; instructions with regards to perishables over bank holidays, the shop...

"there's Variety and Value at Sainsbury's Swiss Cottage New Self Service" leaflet
[c. 1959]Leaflet (or small booklet) promoting the self-service store at Harben Parade, Swiss Cottage, London. This includes reference to the variety of foods (particularly the variety of continental foods)...

"Continental Delicacies from Sainsbury's" (Edgware) leaflet
Mar 1962Leaflet promoting continental sausages, continental cheeses, and continental grocery products at the 208 Station Road, Edgware branch. The leaflet has a similar design to SA/MARK/ADV/3/3/1/49 but some...

"spring at Sainsbury's" booklet
Mar 2002Booklet (36 page illustrated, A4 size) featuring recipes promoting various foods available at Sainsbury's. The booklet was edited by Marc Cudd and was also available on audio tape. The booklet is...

"Continental Delicacies from Sainsbury's" leaflet
Mar 1962Leaflet promoting continental sausages, continental cheeses, and continental grocery products at the 208 Station Road, Edgware branch. The leaflet has a similar design to SA/MARK/ADV/3/3/1/49 but some...