"Branches due to open during 1974" sales area list
5 Feb 1974Photocopy of a typed list of branches due to open or be extended during 1974 with sales area in square feet.
Public relations file relating to store extensions and refit relaunches, 1996
1996Includes correspondence, photographs and promotional material relating to the relaunch of various Sainsbury's stores following extensions and refits. Features material relating to relaunches of Nine...
Branch extensions and openings
1973Includes file on branch extensions and openings, giving statistics of branches and branches to be opened in the future.
"Even better shopping for Sainsbury's customers at Moreton Hall" press release, 15 Jul 1991
15 Jul 1991Press release about the extension to Moreton Hall store in Bury St Edmunds. Includes draft.
Cromwell Road, London: development proposal
Jan 1985Proposal to enlarge the main entrance. Includes plan as existing and plan as completed.

"An apology to our Marylebone customers" flyer
[c. 1960s]Flyer apologising for disruption caused by the enlargement and modernisation work at 98 High Street branch which would be shortly completed.

'Journal', November 2013
Nov 2013November 2013 issue of Sainsbury's staff journal. Articles include: Archive photograph story about staff training and development (p.2) Loyalty (Nectar) scheme at Christmas (p.3) Cannock store...

"The bad news. The good news." newspaper advertisement proof for Newcastle-under-Lyme branch
[Aug 1985]Press advertisement for expansion of Sainsbury's at Liverpool Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme. With slogan 'Good food costs less at Sainsbury's'.

"Now Open: Sainsbury's New Extension 143 High Street Guildford" newspaper advertisement
26 Oct 1935Newspaper advertisement for the new extension at 143 High Street, Guildford published in the Surrey Advertiser. Invites customers to do their shopping in person where possible rather than get it...

"There's a fresh reason for shopping at Sainsbury's (Marylebone branch) newspaper advertisement
21 Feb 1948Advertisement for quick-frozen foods at newly-enlarged store, 78 High Street, Marylebone. Published in The Queen's Park Advertiser, 21st February.

"A Splendid Free Gift! To Celebrate the Opening of the Extension to their branch at 609, Lea Bridge Road" flyer
Jul 1932Advertisement announcing that a box of three tea spoons will be offered to purchasers of goods at the grocery counter to the value of 2 shillings and 6 pence.

"Sainsbury's new extension. Open next week" (Aveley) flyer
[1960s]Duplicate of SA/DES/39/6.

"Quicker, easier shopping at…. Sainsbury's" flyer
[1969]Flyer promoting the new extension opening Tuesday 8th July at an unspecified Sainsbury's branch. Includes 1969 centenary logo.

Covering letter for 5 Porchester Road, Bayswater branch price list
16 Nov 1926Covering letter for SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/6/10/46.

"Guildford's new super Sainsbury's is now completed" flyer
[1962]Flyer promoting the modernised and enlarged store in Guildford which featured new self-service departments.

"66 Malden Road. Now Shopping is quicker and easier at Sainsbury's" proof of leaflet
[1961]Proof of a flyer promoting the extension of the New Malden branch to include a new self-service grocery department (including frozen foods) in the next door premises. The existing shop would continue...

"Sainsbury's Fresh Meat is now on sale in the Broadway Shop" (Broadway, Cricklewood) flyer
[1957]Flyer advising customers that the fresh meat department at 14 Cricklewood Lane had moved to the newly enlarged 160/2 The Broadway, Cricklewood, London, NW2 shop.

"Sainsbury's New Extension 143 High Street Guildford" newspaper advertisement
[c. 1937]SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/6/18/201

"There's a fresh reason for shopping at Sainsbury's (Marylebone branch) newspaper advertisement
14 Feb 1948Advertisement for quick-frozen foods at newly-enlarged store, 78 High Street, Marylebone. Published in The Marylebone Mercury, 14th & 21st February.

"Sainsbury's New Self Service Grocery Department…59/63 High Road Wood Green" flyer
[1963]Flyer promoting the introduction of a self-service grocery department at 59/63 High Road, Wood Green, London. The store also now sold frozen foods. Other departments continued to operate on a counter...