Sainsbury Family; Sainsbury's manager
Paul was the youngest of the brothers, being 20 years younger than his eldest brother John Benjamin. Before joining the Sainsbury's business, he saw active service in the First World War, and later trained as an architect.
He joined the firm in 1921, at the same time as his nephew Alan, who was John Benjamin's eldest son. He was briefly responsible for building development.
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Photograph showing John James Sainsbury with a group of officials (senior management, area superintendents etc) including some of his children who worked for the company. According to JS Journal October 1982 page 20 (which features this image) the photo was taken at John James Sainsbury's home 'Broadlands' [in Little Wratting, Suffolk]. Accompanying typed note provides names of some of the individuals in the photo: starting with top row left to right "Evamy [Lawrence Evamy, private secretary to J.J. Sainsbury], ? Buckmaster, ?, S. E. Smith, Mason, Carter, Goodwin, J.J.S[ainsbury], Singleton, ?, Goodes, Arthur Sainsbury, Vallance, ?, Ketwell, J. B. S[ainsbury], Goldup, ?, Faithfull, Broad, Diamond, G. Younger, Collis. (? s could possible [sic] be - Alfred Sainsbury, Paul Sainsbury, Bryden, Luckin, Grinstead)". Also written in pen under one of the ?s is "Broad ? (H. Younger)" [the writing is not clear for H. Younger].
Image of John James Sainsbury and his colleagues
Photocopied list of works executed for Messrs. J Sainsbury Ltd, The Cheyne Syndicate Ltd and Paul J. Sainsbury, Esquire. Includes date, location of shop, architect, contractor and cost of contract.
List of works executed
Indexed, signed board minutes. Also includes governing directors' minutes e.g. authorisation for the use of the company seal on legal documents. Minutes of Board meetings for the following dates: 1936 - 29 Jul, 12 Aug (a governing director's minute of 28 October 1936 includes the assignment of Alfred Banton's stores to the company) 1937 - 22 Jan, 14 Mar, 23 Jun, 1 Jul. 1938 - 25 Jan, 14, 24 Feb, 18,24 Mar, 28 Apr, 7, 13 Jul, 10 Aug, 26 Oct, 22 Dec. 1939 - 17 Jan, 9,16,23 Feb, 24,27,30 Mar, 3 Jul, 8 Sep, 23 Nov. 1940 - 1 Feb, 25 Sep, 13 Dec. 1941 - 2 Dec. (includes statement announcing appointment as directors of James Sainsbury and F.W. Salisbury, the first non-Sainsbury family member on the board) 1942 - 2 Jan, 24 Jul, 5 Aug, 18,25 Sep, 14,27 Oct, 6 Nov, 29 Dec. 1943 - 25 Mar, 15 Apr, 6,12 May, 2,24 Jun, 1,19,22,30 Jul, 6,9 Aug, 3,14,29 Sep, 5,25 Oct, 23,29 Nov, 17,24 Dec. 1944 - 28 Jan, 11,28 Feb, 14,17,21,24,28,30 Mar, 25 Apr, 18 May, 14,23,27,30 Jun, 11 Jul, 18,22,26,27 Sep, 17,23 Oct, 7,10,24 Nov, 13,22 Dec. 1945 - 3,10,19 Jan, 14 Feb, 19,23 Mar, 1,29 May, 4,20,22 Jun, 19,20 July, 7,21,24 Sep, 15 Oct, 5,7,30 Nov, 5,6,12,13 Dec. 1946 - 3,15 Jan, 1,4,12 Feb.
Directors' and board minutes, Jul 1936-Feb 1946
Contains letters from former members of staff about their time with Sainsbury's. Also includes Paul Sainsbury's reminiscences about the family and the business, and letters from customers about their early memories of Sainsbury's. Includes a list of First World War women managers, dates and branches managed
Reminiscences from former Sainsbury's staff and Paul Sainsbury
Album of photographs of John James Sainsbury and his sons containing loose prints mounted on card. The photographs are by W.J. Keable, 39 Brighton Road, Surbiton. As the prints are loose in the album the prints are likely to be arranged randomly rather than in any original order. 1. [Alfred Sainsbury?] 2. [Arthur Sainsbury?] 3. John James Sainsbury 4. George Sainsbury 5. [Paul Sainsbury?] 6. [Frank Sainsbury?]
Photograph album of Sainsbury family members
Photograph showing standing: John Benjamin, Arthur, Frank, and Alfred Sainsbury; seated: Paul, John James, and George Sainsbury. Photograph by Wicksteed & Palmer, 109 Cheapside E.C. The photograph features in 'JS 100 The Story of Sainsbury's' page 12/13 and 'The Best Butter in the World: A History of Sainsbury's' by B. Williams page 59. The photograph appears to have been taken at the wedding of Frank Sainsbury and Elma Wallace (which is reported in the South-West Suffolk Echo 26th April 1902 as having taken place on 23rd April 1902). It had previously been identified as having been taken at the wedding of John Benjamin and Mabel Sainsbury but further research and another photograph (included in accession 2012/9) featuring Frank Sainsbury with the bride and bridesmaids gives a very strong indication that it was in fact taken at Frank Sainsbury's wedding. See also SA/FAM/1/6/2/1 and accession 2012/9 for other photographs taken on the same day.
Image of John James Sainsbury with his sons John Benjamin, Arthur, Frank, Alfred, Paul and George
Correspondence (mostly from or to Sainsbury's Archivist), notes, copies of birth certificates, trade directory entries and other papers relating to John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury.
Correspondence and other papers relating to John James Sainsbury and Mary Ann Sainsbury (nee Staples)