Sainsbury Family; Sainsbury's Founder
The eldest child and only daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Staples.
Benjamin Staples had been a woodcarver, but from c. 1864 he began working as a dairyman, with his own dairy shop in Chalton Street, St Pancras, later expanding to become a small chain of half a dozen shops. Mary Ann may have worked in this shop before being employed by dairyman Tom Haile in Strutton Ground. This experience provided a useful network of contacts within the dairy and grocery trade, as well as a good grounding in the practicalities of dairy and retail work. It was while working in food shops at Strutton Ground, Victoria, that Mary Ann met John James Sainsbury.
In the early years Mary Ann worked alongside her husband in the shop, and was solely responsible for running the Drury Lane store for the first weeks after its opening until John James Sainsbury had worked his notice period for oil and colour merchant George Gillet. The first child of the marriage, named Mary Ann after her mother, died at the age of 7 months in July 1870. Thereafter Mary Ann Sainsbury gave birth to eleven children: John Benjamin (1871), George (1872), Alice (1876?), Frank (1877), Louise (1879), Arthur (1880), Lillian (1882), Alfred (1884), Elsie (1885), Dorothy Maud (1889) and Paul James (1890).
Mary Ann was always up very early in the morning, enjoyed serving behind the butter counter and took great pride in the cleanliness of the shop. But as the family grew, Mary Ann spent increasingly less time working in the shop. She worked in Sainsbury's shops until the 1880s, when the company's success allowed her to stay at the family's new home in Highgate. Despite this, she still accompanied John James on inspections of the shops. It was her insistence upon scrupulous cleanliness which set the standard for all the Sainsbury's shops and made the firm stand out from its rivals. This was a particularly valuable emphasis since it came at a time when the issue of tainted and adulterated food was becoming a national concern. She died in June 1927.
173 Drury Lane, Holborn, London.
159 Queen's Crescent, Kentish Town, London.
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Miniature model of a Sainsbury's branch in the house-style; a decorative scheme used in Sainsbury's branches from the 1890s to the late 1940s. The model has a panelled wooden exterior and divides into two parts: the branch interior and the shop front. The branch interior has a plasterwork ceiling with cornicing and ceiling roses. There are two plastic skylights and five glass pendant lightshades, one of which has become detached. Tiles have been painted on to the walls and two long shelves run down each side of the branch. There is a wooden office screen at the back of the branch featuring doorways, plastic windows, applied wooden decoration, and a central image of John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury. The mosaic flooring is composed of small coloured circles and the two long counters are made of wood and have tiles painted onto the sides. The shop front has wooden window frames holding two deep plastic windows in place, one at each side of the doorway. The windows and a plastic panel above the door are painted with historic Sainsbury's slogans. A wooden shop sign stretches across the front top of the branch bearing the gold painted inscription, 'HEAD DEPOT J. SAINSBURY. BLACKFRIARS S.E.', and a copper alloy bar for hanging meat products is attached to the shop front below the sign. The shop front also features plasterwork, two pendant lightshades, painted tiles and a 'J. SAINSBURY' mosaic in the doorway.
Branch model
Mixed original and photocopied documentation relating to the Sainsbury family, some typical examples include: Mr Alfred Sainsbury's original employment letter from John James (his Father). Notes regarding Mr Frank Sainsbury dictated by his brother, Mr John Benjamin. News of the World, 16 September 1928. An article concerning the marriage of Mr Cecil J Sainsbury and Miss Hilda Plumridge. Certificate of Merit for a Rosa Sainsbury, June 1891. It is unknown if Rosa is connected to the Sainsbury company. Copies of John James' and Mary Ann Sainsbury's wills. This file also contains SA/FAM/15/4 and 5
Mixed Sainsbury family materials
Includes King James version of the bible. With inscriptions regarding John James Sainsbury's marriage to Mary Ann Staples and the birth dates, marriages of their children. Enclosures include a silk book mark, silver plate with 'The Founders's Family Bible' inscribed on it and dried leaves/plant.
The Founder's Family Bible
A pair of sterling silver dishes. Each dish has an applied beaded rim and three masks applied at regular intervals around the side. The dishes feature stamped hallmarks indicating that they were made in London in 1916 by Mappin & Webb. The dish bases feature an engraved design of intertwined letters, (J, M and S) and a banner displaying the inscription, '1869 - 1919'. The dishes may have been produced to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the wedding of John James Sainsbury and Mary Ann Staples. Each dish has a circular foot that fits inside a matching sterling silver stand. The stands are circular and have three legs. Highly decorative, each leg has a lion's paw foot and is topped by a winged sphinx. The stand design also features garlands of flowers and leaves, masks, and scrolls. The dishes and stands are held in a custom-made lockable wooden box with a hinged lid, copper alloy fittings, and green felt lining. A copper alloy plate on the box lid bears the inscription, 'SAINSBURY'.
Pair of dishes
Photograph album presented to John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary by their children. The album is held vertically within a gold-coloured metal frame. The frame is highly decorated with scrolls, vases, ivy, forget-me-nots and flowers. It has four feet at the bottom and a decorative handle at the top. The leather spine of the album is supported at the base of the frame and the back of the album is fixed in place. A polished tortoiseshell sheet has been attached to the front of the album and gold-coloured metal motifs have been applied to the tortoiseshell, including a central heart design. The album is viewed by releasing a decorative metal clasp at the top of the front page to allow the leaves to fall forward. The album contains a handwritten, illustrated dedication and sepia coloured portrait photographs of members of the Sainsbury family. The dedication has the text "Dear Mother & Father on the occasion of their Golden Wedding from their children as a token of love and affection. London, April 20th 1919". The following photographs are included (identification based on note probably written by archive staff found inside album): page 1 and 2: blank page 3: John Benjamin and Mabel (née van den Bergh) Sainsbury page 4: Leonard Fletcher (husband of Vera); Alan Sainsbury; Vera Fletcher; Robert Sainsbury (children of J.B. Sainsbury) page 5: George Sainsbury page 6: George Sainsbury's children: Irene, unidentified, Cecil and Dudley. page 7: Alice (John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury's second daughter) and her husband Simmons. page 8: The Simmons' children page 9: Frank Sainsbury and his wife (formerly a governess) page 10: blank page 11: Louise (John James and Mary Anne's third daughter) and her husband Hankey. page 12: The Hankey's children. page 13: Arthur Sainsbury and his wife Winnie MacDonald (a 'former Gaiety Girl') page 14: Arthur and Winnie Sainsbury's children: James Sainsbury, Violet and Olive (who married firstly Lord Inverclyde, then Partridge). page 15: Paul E. Weldon (son of Lillian) and Lillian (fourth daughter of John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury; she married Mr Weldon, who was known for Weldon's dress patterns) page 16: blank page 17: Alfred Sainsbury and his wife page 18: Alfred and Mrs Sainsbury's children: Valerie and Vernon (after 1919, they had more children) page 19: Paul Sainsbury and Dorothy ('Dolly') Sainsbury (sixth daughter of John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury)
Photograph album (John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury 50th wedding anniversary present)
Keywords: Calcott SavaCentre (with photographs) p.1 & 4-5; Sainsbury charitable fund gives £1000 to the Chartered Institute of Transport (with photograph), Savings-Related Share Option Scheme, Jeremy Grindle appointed chairman of the Article Number Association, property news relating to Bisham, Colhams Lane and Crystal Palace (with photograph) pp. 2-3; new leisure centre adjacent to Pitsea branch (with photograph) p.5; Perton, Wolverhampton's out of town store (with photographs), new jobs created by JS (with photograph) pp.6-7; photographic competition (with photographs) p.8; new products- Bonheimer Trappenberg wine, JS family toilet soaps, anti-dandruff shampoo, 'J' range cosmetics, 'Cake Icing and Decorating' by Carole Handslip & 'Beauty Care' by Pat Baikie, 'Pasta Italian Style' by Patricia Lousada and a new pasta range (with photographs) pp. 9-12; JS back scheme to help young unemployed people, 'Sainsbury Hero' in Supermarketing Magazine, The Observer reports on JS strawberry jam, race walking by a trainee programmer p.13; Worle branch's float in the Weston Summer Carnival (with photograph), bakery assistant at Bletchley awarded the Renshaw Cup (with photograph), JS customer's 100th birthday (with photograph) p.14; boxing and Muhammed Ali (with photograph), fancy dress competition at Golden Sands Holiday Camp (with photograph) p.15; retirements- Jim Gallagher, Ted 'Webby' Webb and John Hearne (with photographs) pp.15-17: article on Mary Ann Staples p.20.
'JS Journal', September 1981
Correspondence (mostly from or to Sainsbury's Archivist), notes, copies of birth certificates, trade directory entries and other papers relating to John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury.
Correspondence and other papers relating to John James Sainsbury and Mary Ann Sainsbury (nee Staples)
These keys were issued to each of John James's children, and allowed them access to the family mausoleum. This particular one has gold letters F.S. embossed in the lid, showing that it belonged to Frank Sainsbury. The box has a leather cover with two metal hinges at the rear. A gold inlay surrounds the lid. A still functioning push button clasp opens the case. Inside contains a key shaped black felt lining and a satin lid lining. The key within the felt is very ornate. The handle is in the shape of a cross upon a pedestle. The main body of the cross has the following words inscribed: John James, June 12 1844' then a line and underneath 'Jany 3rd 1928'. Upon the pedestle part is written 'SAINSBURY'. On the otherside of the key is inscribed 'Mary Ann, June 30th 1849' then a line and underneath 'June 9th 1927'. The inscription is in a gold colour.
Key to John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury's Mausoleum
Contains colour slides, transparencies and negatives featuring various images e.g. a store being built, Young Cook of Britain, John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury, school children being taken around a Homebase being built.
Images of Sainsbury's
Sainsbury's centenary advertisement with slogan 'Sainsbury's 100 good -food years'. 'Includes the heading '100 years ago this month Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Sainsbury set up a family business in Drury Lane'. Also includes the strapline 'Come in and have a piece of birthday cake!'. Includes photos of staff standing outside one of the earliest stores; John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury; Driver Harry Brearman and his van; a customer and a cashier. Also includes illustrations of an early Sainsbury shop front, a horse-drawn delivery van and the centenary logo. Includes key dates with short explanations of the development of the business.
"100 years ago this month, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Sainsbury set up a family business in Drury Lane" newspaper advertisement proof
Photograph of Mary Ann Sainsbury. The picture has been retouched by hand.
Image of Mary Ann Sainsbury
The photograph is included in 'The Best Butter in the World' by B. Williams page 11 and in 'JS 100 The Story of Sainsbury's' page 10. The photograph appears to have been taken at the wedding of Frank Sainsbury and Elma Wallace (which is reported in the South-West Suffolk Echo 26th April 1902 as having taken place on 23rd April 1902). It had previously been identified as having been taken at the wedding of John Benjamin and Mabel Sainsbury in 1896 but further research and another photograph (included in accession 2012/9) featuring Frank Sainsbury with the bride and bridesmaids give a very strong indication that it was in fact taken at Frank Sainsbury's wedding. See also SA/FAM/10/2/2 and accession 2012/9 (image 3) for other photographs taken on the same day. Photograph by Wicksteed & Palmer, 109 Cheapside, [London], E.C.
Image of John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury on the wedding day of Frank and Elma Sainsbury
These keys were issued to each of John James's children, and allowed them access to the family mausoleum. This particular one has gold letters A.S. embossed in the lid, showing that it belonged to either Arthur or Alfred Sainsbury. The box has a leather cover with two metal hinges at the rear. A gold inlay surrounds the lid. A still functioning push button clasp opens the case. Inside containes a key shaped black felt lining and a satin lid lining. The key within the felt is very ornate. The handle is in the shape of a cross upon a pedestal. The main body of the cross has the following words inscribed: John James, June 12 1844' then a line and underneath 'Jany 3rd 1928'. Upon the pedestle part is written 'SAINSBURY'. On the otherside of the key is inscribed 'Mary Ann, June 30th 1849' then a line and underneath 'June 9th 1927'. The inscription is in a gold colour.
Key to John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury's Mausoleum
Information sheet (one page A4), presumably by Sainsbury's Archives about the history of women working at Sainsbury's including about Mary Ann Sainsbury and.
"Women at Sainsbury's" information sheet
Letter from the staff of J. Sainsbury to Mr and Mrs J.J. Sainsbury on the occasion of their Golden Wedding celebration. This letter accompanied a gift of silver dishes and a bronze statuette.
Presentation letter to Mr and Mrs J.J. Sainsbury on their golden wedding anniversary
Photograph of Mary Ann Sainsbury which has been retouched by hand to remove most of the background. The photograph is labelled as a "reproduction from the studios of Thos. [Thomas] Fall" of Baker Street, London (reference C123447-2A).
Image of Mary Ann Sainsbury in conservatory (re-touched version)
Picture included in 'The Best Butter in the World' by B. Williams page 41. According to 'Best Butter' the photograph was taken in the conservatory of John James and Mary Ann's new family home in Highgate. Photograph by Wicksteed & Palmer, 109 Cheapside, [London], E.C.
Image of Mary Ann Sainsbury in her conservatory at Highgate
Photograph showing the founders of Sainsbury's John James Sainsbury (front row, centre left) and Mary Ann Sainsbury (front row, centre right) outside a house. It seems likely that the others depicted (or most of them) are Sainsbury's senior managerial staff - this appears to include some members of the family who were involved in running the company. Some members of the family can be possibly identified: Arthur Sainsbury (furthest left), John Benjamin Sainsbury (row behind Mary, right of her), Alfred Sainsbury (furthest right, standing), and George Sainsbury (seated on right). A note has been found written by an unidentified person which appears to relate to this photograph and identify some of the people: Top row: 1. Warehouse Manager(?); 2; 3; 4 Mr S.E. Smith; 5; 6 Wright (Transport Manager); 7 Mr Vallence "(Father's Personal Sec)" Second row: 8 Arthur Sainsbury; 9 Mr Younger; 10; 11; 12; 13 J.B. Sainsbury; 14 Mr Carter (Staff Manager); 15; 16 Mr Alfred Sainsbury Third row (sitting): 17; 18 Mrs Arthur Sainsbury; 19 Mr J.J. Sainsbury; 20 Mary-Anne [Mary Ann] Sainsbury; 21 Mabel Sainsbury "(Wife of JB) ie Mother of Present Presidents"; 22 Mr Mason (Office Manager); 23 Mr Emery(?) [possibly refers to Lawrence Evamy, private secretary to J.J. Sainsbury] Fourth row (kneeling): 24; 25 Mr Diamond (?).
Image of John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury with others
Keywords: Christmas cocktails pp.1-2; Christmas message from Sir John (with photograph) p.2; Penny Fenner, MP, visits Broadfield store (with photograph), winner of the Sainsbury Staff Association draw (with photograph), JS wins the Business Sponsorship of Arts Award (with photograph) p.4; branch opening at Locksbottom (with photographs) pp.5-7; new products- instant custard mix and blancmange, Vintage Character's new varieties of Port, Wholewheat Mini Flakes (cereal), Dog Treats, vacuum cleaner bags, cheese board selections and the Stilton Jar (with photographs) pp.8-9; Christmas quiz pp. 10-11; Newbury branch's sponsored walk for the British Heart Foundation, contestants selected for the Miss JS final, Chippenham store's sponsored fancy dress trolley push for Cancer Research (with photograph), Buntingford Depot's contribution to the Festival of Remembrance (with photograph), weddings at the Coldhams Lane store p.12; the Great London Parks Walk (with photographs), Sydney Street's (Cambridge) sponsored cycle ride for diabetic children (with photograph), The Woking Area golf competition (with photographs) p.13; a customer remembers being served by Mary Ann at the Kentish Town store (with photographs) p.16.
'JS Journal', December 1981