Sainsbury Family; Sainsbury's Chairman
The eldest surviving child of John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury, John Benjamin Sainsbury was active in helping in his parents' shop from a very early age. His first job was serving eggs but later on he was allowed to help drive the firm's first horse-drawn van. Within the firm he was known as "Mr John". From an early age, he was trained to take over as the head of the company. The earliest recorded Board Meeting of the firm was held in November 1911, at which point the five elder brothers, including John Benjamin, were taken onto the Board. At that meeting decisions were made regarding how the operation of the business should be divided between the brothers. John Benjamin undertook significant responsibility, taking charge of the bacon and ham departments, the purchasing of lamb and Ostend rabbits, engaging staff, the development and maintenance of stores and the care of vehicles and horses. On 27 March 1915, he was taken into partnership of Sainsbury's, managing the day-to-day running of the firm's branches.
Upon his father's death in 1928, John Benjamin became Chairman and held the position until his own death in 1956, although in practice he passed the daily responsibilities to his sons Alan and Robert in 1938 as joint General Managers. As part of his responsibilities for staff engagement and welfare in the interwar years John Benjamin purchased a sports ground for the company at Dulwich. John Benjamin took an intense and active interest in the acquisition and performance of new stores, steadily expanding the number of shops during the 1920s and 1930s. He visited sites to assess their suitability and in some cases worked at new stores to help achieve the required profits. He also visited potential new store sites with his family at weekends and conducted his own market research. Inspectors, later known as district supervisors, were required to report on their branches' performance to John Benjamin at least once a week. He married Mabel Miriam van den Burgh, daughter of margarine magnate Jacob Van den Bergh, in 1896. They had two sons, Alan and Robert, and a daughter.
173 Drury Lane, Holborn, London
159 Queen's Crescent, Kentish Town, London
Related content
The files contain material for the following branches: Kempston; Kensington; Kentish Town; Kettering; Kidderminster; Kilburn; Kings Heath; Kings Lynn; Kingsland and Kingston. The Kensington material consists of three letters from John Benjamin Sainsbury to Mr Curtis. Mr Curtis was the Manager of 84/6 Ballards Lane, Church End, Finchley before becoming the Manager at 99 Gloucester Road, Kensington. The letters deal with his transfer to Gloucester Road. One letter, dated 27 December 1918 to Mr Curtis at Ballards Lane, had been placed in the file for Finchley (SA/BR/22/F/13) while the other two, dated 9 and 16 September 1919 and sent to Mr Curtis at Gloucester Road, had been placed under G for Gloucester Road (SA/BR/22/G/14). They were brought together under Kensington because Gloucester Road is listed under Kensington in the branches spreadsheet and they all deal with Mr Curtis' transfer to that branch.
Material relating to branch files - K
Correspondence from Mr J. B. Sainsbury and George Sainsbury to individual branches regarding bonuses for branch management and Christmas, stock ordering, tea, biscuits, special offers and staff. Includes letters to Mr Blake of Chelmsford branch regarding his notable sales of tea (1923). Also includes letter to Mr Lovegrove of Brighton branch regarding high sales of biscuits ('biscuitomania') (1938).
Branch correspondence, 1905-38
Image included in 'JS Journal' "In Memoriam" June 1956 issue, p.32, with the caption "Mr. John at Marylebone branch in 1955 talking to the Manager, Mr. Hill, and (centre) Mr. Plant."
Image of chairman John Benjamin Sainsbury and staff in 97/99 High Street, Marylebone branch
Includes photographs and correspondence about a flood the branch at 96 High Street, Tonbridge was affected by, and news cuttings and letters about the death of John Benjamin Sainsbury. Also includes a book of matches commemorating Sainsbury's centenary anniversary, and a menu and record for Sainsbury's 80th anniversary dinner. Also contains copper alloy tokens (spade guineas), red buttons from staff uniforms and a butter tester. The material was collected by Edward I Garner.
Material from Edward I Garner
Collection of postcards addressed to Mr Charly Lovell and 1 letter to Mr J. B. Sainsbury.
Postcards to Charly Lovell, and letter to J.B. Sainsbury
Film (silent, with caption cards) of the Sainsbury Staff Association's day trip to Margate on a paddle steamboat from London, accompanied by 'Mr John' (John Benjamin Sainsbury, Chairman). 1,200 members of staff and their families were on the trip. The film begins with staff boarding the steamer, the PS Royal Eagle, at Tower Pier, with Tower Bridge and the Tower of London in the background. The boat travels under the open bridge of Tower, and down the River Thames past the ferry at Woolwich and the docks. The passengers fill the deck of the boat, sitting and standing watching the riverside views and traffic. In the boat's kitchens cooks work away producing meals. An onboard competition for dress making, sees several women being adorned with garments fashioned from newspaper. Inside the boat, the passengers sit at tables to take tea and for lunch served by waiting staff in the saloon. A swing band plays, with many women singing along. Bingo cards are handed out to some people (including Mr John) for a game of 'housey-housey' while others are satisfied to simply sit out in deck chairs on what appears to be a sunny, if windy day. The boat arrives at Margate, mooring at the pier. Some passengers enjoy a promenade along Margate sea front, while others flock to the crowded beach and the 'Dreamland' amusement park. Before too long they are back on the boat, waving goodbye to Margate and heading home. Some ominous rainclouds herald worse weather ahead. Many people seek sanctuary inside, take afternoon tea and enjoy another sing-song with the band. As the day progresses, some people decide to dance, whilst other enjoy the simple pleasure of a cocktail from the boat's well stocked bar. 11 minutes, 22 seconds long. Silent black & white film. Produced by Peach Studios, 15 Plumstead Road, Woolwich.
"Sainsbury Staff Association: Staff Outing to Margate, Sunday May 18th 1947" film
Mixed original and photocopied documentation relating to the Sainsbury family, some typical examples include: Mr Alfred Sainsbury's original employment letter from John James (his Father). Notes regarding Mr Frank Sainsbury dictated by his brother, Mr John Benjamin. News of the World, 16 September 1928. An article concerning the marriage of Mr Cecil J Sainsbury and Miss Hilda Plumridge. Certificate of Merit for a Rosa Sainsbury, June 1891. It is unknown if Rosa is connected to the Sainsbury company. Copies of John James' and Mary Ann Sainsbury's wills. This file also contains SA/FAM/15/4 and 5
Mixed Sainsbury family materials
Photograph showing John James Sainsbury with a group of officials (senior management, area superintendents etc) including some of his children who worked for the company. According to JS Journal October 1982 page 20 (which features this image) the photo was taken at John James Sainsbury's home 'Broadlands' [in Little Wratting, Suffolk]. Accompanying typed note provides names of some of the individuals in the photo: starting with top row left to right "Evamy [Lawrence Evamy, private secretary to J.J. Sainsbury], ? Buckmaster, ?, S. E. Smith, Mason, Carter, Goodwin, J.J.S[ainsbury], Singleton, ?, Goodes, Arthur Sainsbury, Vallance, ?, Ketwell, J. B. S[ainsbury], Goldup, ?, Faithfull, Broad, Diamond, G. Younger, Collis. (? s could possible [sic] be - Alfred Sainsbury, Paul Sainsbury, Bryden, Luckin, Grinstead)". Also written in pen under one of the ?s is "Broad ? (H. Younger)" [the writing is not clear for H. Younger].
Image of John James Sainsbury and his colleagues
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). Photograph by Philip Mercer, Tonbridge.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury in his garden, Bexhill
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). Photograph by Jerome [a national chain of photography studios].
Image of J.B. Sainsbury
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956) outside Stamford House, London (Sainsbury's former head office). The photograph featured on page 4 of JS Journal June 1956 (special issue 'in memoriam' of J.B. Sainsbury). Photographer: Fox Photos Ltd, London (reference 14314).
Image of J.B Sainsbury outside Stamford House, London
Recording and transcript of BBC interview of T.R. Welham and G. Harrison relating to their employment in Sainsbury's stores from the 1920s to 1950s and experiences as store managers. Summary of content: 202A: 1920s: Christmas preparations. Working in shop as 14 year old. Egg boy. Game. Market shops. Biscuits. 1927/28: Biscuits. Huntley and Palmers. Peek Freans. Chiltonians. Grocery. 1928: Luton branch. Description of interior. Training at Blackfriars [Sainsbury's head office complex]. Meat department, chopping meat. Working hours. Wages. Discipline. Cutting down meat. Window dressing. Dairy window displays. Sales of lamb. Selling butter, margarine. Weekend trade. Payment of wages. 1928 (approximate): Weighing up 56lbs of butter and lard. Selling to customers. Sales technique. Product knowledge. Sardines. Tea. First hand. Staff pecking order. Female workers. 1928: References to Frosts, Home & Colonial, Maypole Hygiene [other food stores]. 202B: 1920s/1930s: Layout of shops, description of foods. Working hours. Start of pension scheme. meals at work. Christmas. Unions. Rates of pay. Mr JB Sainsbury. Mr Jones supervisor. SE Smith. Mr Alan Sainsbury. Mr RJ Sainsbury. Staff numbers. Cooked meat departments. York hams. 1930s: Living in. Oxford, Cambridge colleges. Deliveries. 1940s/50s: Change to self-service. Marylebone, Croydon, Eastbourne, Debden. 1950s: Marylebone, 9-11 Croydon. Self service. Mr RJ Sainsbury. Mr Alan Sainsbury. Self service training. Lewisham. Oxford. Lewisham. Bristol. Tommy Reeves. Skills. Meat in self service stores. Maypole. Co-op. 1930s: Competition. Thoroughgoods [food retailer taken over by Sainsbury's]. Norman Hayes. 1950s: Competition. Tesco. 9-11 Croydon. Early self service. Trolleys. Car parks. 1930s: Christmas. Holloway Rd. Frank Sainsbury. Gants Hill. Mr JB Sainsbury. Berkhamsted. Wages. various dates: Trading stamps. Start of self service. Refrigeration. York of Shipley. Customer loyalty. Tipping. Departments in manual shop.
Audio recording and transcript of interview with Sainsbury's veterans Mr T.R. Welham and Mr G. Harrison for BBC TV 'History of Retailing'
Correspondence between Mather & Crowther Ltd [advertising agents for Sainsbury's] and Sainsbury's. Consists of 3 letters: (1) dated 10 Jul 1939 from the Executive Director of Mather & Crowther Ltd. to Alan Sainsbury informing him that all the forms of copy used in the recently completed "70th anniversary" advertising scheme have been printed on special paper and bound together to give a complete and permanent record; (2) dated 12 Jul 1939 from J.B. Sainsbury (Chairman) to the Chairman of Mather & Crowther Ltd. voicing his pleasure at seeing the the folder enclosing the series of advertisements prepared by the advertising agency to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Firm and his conviction that this publicity has had a beneficial effect upon Sainsbury's public relations and that "there is throughout every evidence of the closest possible co-operation between our two houses"; (3) dated 13 Jul 1939 from the Chairman of Mather & Crowther Ltd. to Mr J.B. thanking him for his kind comments about the advertising agency's services and "happy relations" between the two firms.
Correspondence between Mather & Crowther Ltd and Sainsbury's about 70th anniversary advertising campaign
Keywords: Lewisham, self service, branch interiors, branch exteriors, preparation areas pp.1-26; Seven Kings, branch interiors, branch exteriors, preparation areas; social staff, Griffin Club, cricket pp. 36-37; Blackfriars, head office pp. 38-43; John Benjamin Sainsbury p.44; Goring Road p.46.
'JS Journal', October 1955
Includes accounts for: legal and professional charges, J.B. Sainsbury loan account, office furniture and fixtures account and accounts for individual properties. (Indexed)
The Cheyne Investments Limited ledger, 1928-35
Includes: Letter from J. B. Sainsbury to Mr John Sainsbury regarding the dedication of the war memorial (23 October 1950), booklet on the unveiling and dedication of the war memorial at Stamford House to members of staff who died in the World War Two, 29 Nov 1950, and two booklets containing the Roll of Honour of members of staff who died in World War Two; Articles from JS Journal [Sainsbury's staff magazine] e.g.take-over of Tress House to provide more space, history of a pair of clogs worn in Wakefield House (see BL/1/3); Notes on wages and hours for those staff working with meat, 8 Nov 1937; Despatcher's List of meat, 24 Dec 1932; booklet, 'Ready Cooked Foods by Monsieur de Licious'; notebook containing notes on quality checks on lines and checks on the Swiss vac joint wrapping machine, 1973; total cost office fittings for the new warehouse in Stamford Street; three notices setting out recipe changes to meat products, Mar - Aug 1971; notebook belonging to a member of staff - Williams? - involved in the production of bacon, 1947 - 1948; Correspondence relating to a request by Bridget Williams, the Company Archivist to display a reproduction of the Barker Panorama in the staff canteen at Stamford House, May - Jul 1990
Material relating to Blackfriars (head office)
Includes photocopied letter to Tim Sainsbury from a lady whose grandmother worked for Sainsbury's and who appears to have known John Benjamin Sainsbury. Also includes photocopied letters from Sainsbury's to a gentleman who wanted to apply for a job, and a photocopied letter and certificate from the Lieutenant Governor in Canada to Lillian Osborne congratulating her on her 100th birthday.
Correspondence about former members of staff
Includes booklets about Sainsbury's pension fund, supplementary pension scheme and life assurance scheme, 1937 - 1969, and a retirement card to Evelyn Boxall. Also includes a sheet containing certificates made out to Cyril Charles Rayner confirming his entry into the senior staff pension fund or life assurance scheme. There is also a certificate of membership for the staff welfare scheme. Also contains a press release on pay increases for young members of staff, an advertisement from a couple of newspapers asking for retail managers, and a memorandum on a job evaluation programme Sainsbury's had undertaken to reappraise what its junior staff did. There is also a Christmas card from the Veteran's Group signed by its president, John Benjamin Sainsbury and an envelope, which would have contained a greetings telegram, addressed to the Manager at 51 The Broadway, Ealing. Also a copy of a picture depicting a hand holding a British flag with a flaming cross tied to the pole and an the inscription, 'Christmas + 1940'. Also includes Balance Sheets and Accounts for J. Sainsbury Ltd. Pension Fund, J. Sainsbury Supplementary Pension Scheme and J. Sainsbury 1970 Retirement Scheme; booklet is dated 11 Mar 1972 and features stamp "Clark, Battams & Co., Chartered Accountants, London" on front cover.
Material relating to pensions and other staff matters
Cabinet card photograph showing Miss Mabel Van den Bergh with her fiancé John Benjamin Sainsbury. The photograph was included in 'The Best Butter in the World: A History of Sainsbury's' by B. Williams on page 41. Photograph by London Stereoscopic Company (also referred to as London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company Ltd on the back), 106 & 108 Regent Street, London. The back of the cabinet card is printed with promotional information for the London Stereoscopic Company.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury with his fiancée/wife Mabel
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). Photograph by Philip Mercer, Tonbridge.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury in his garden, Bexhill
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). The photo is included in JS Journal 'In Memoriam', June 1956, page 11. Photograph by Philip Mercer, Tonbridge.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury in his garden with his dog Bruce, Bexhill
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956) taken during a visit by a group of JS Veterans (retired staff) by Mr W. Harrison.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury with his dog in his garden at Bexhill during a visit by Sainsbury's Veterans
Photograph of Mabel Van den Bergh (bride of John Benjamin Sainsbury) with her bridesmaids and the best man (Frank Sainsbury) wearing their wedding day clothes in the garden at Highgate [John James Sainsbury's family home].
Image of Mabel Van den Bergh on her wedding day with bridesmaids and best man Frank Sainsbury
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956) with an unidentified man. The photograph was perhaps taken at a staff event held at the Griffin Athletics Club (Sainsbury's staff sports ground; location has been identified from buildings in the background).
Image of J.B. Sainsbury and unidentified man at [Griffin Athletics Club]
Special memorial issue on the death of Mr John (John Benjamin Sainsbury)
JS Journal - In Memoriam
Includes accounts for: legal and professional charges, J.B. Sainsbury loan account, office furniture and fixtures account and accounts for individual properties. (Indexed)
The Cheyne Investments Limited ledger, 1935-42
Memo to Nottingham branch manager (Mr Charlesworth) from JB Sainsbury's office, encouraging him to promote pork sausages with a free sample to customers.
Letter from Head Office to Nottingham branch manager regarding sausage sample promotion
Postcard labelled on back "Mostyn House (Residential), Brookland [sic., should be Brooklands] Avenue, Cambridge, opened 1932-33?". See also SA/FAM/2/13/2/2 which shows the five men at the back of the photograph in the doorway only. These are (left to right): H. Lilley (manager of 16/17 Sidney Street, Cambridge branch), S.T. Goldup (J.B. Sainsbury's private secretary), Sir Charles Wentworth Stanley, John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman) and A.E. Snow (district manager, who previously was the manager of Cambridge branch). Mostyn House was Sainsbury's first male 'dormy house' (staff hostel accommodation) acquired by Sainsbury's circa 1925 (according to a caption by a former archivist in SA/FAM/2/11).
Image of staff from Cambridge (16/17 Sidney Street) branch at Mostyn House, Brooklands Avenue
Consists of an invitation to a staff trip to Margate on The Royal Eagle on 12 June 1938 with Mr J. B. Sainsbury, gives instructions for the days events. Also 13 souvenir programmes featuring photographs of the outing and commentery. Appears to have been organised for warehouse and kitchen staff and drivers only.
Invitation, souvenir booklet and beer voucher for a staff trip on The Royal Eagle
Letter from John Benjamin Sainsbury to Mr. Tupman, manager of Watford, congratulating Mr. Tupman on his enterprise in entering three representatives in the Trademen's Skating Carnival 1911, asking him to charge the expenses for the costumes on his weekly expense sheet, and enclosing a cheque for £2-2s-0d to be divided amongst those who took part.
Letter regarding success of Sainsbury's representatives in the 1911 Watford Skating Carnival
Includes: Copy of questions from the Veterans Quiz held at Dulwich 1983. Pamphlet about the Good Fellowship Trust. Two pension scheme certificates. Letter from a veteran. Copy of invitation to a day trip on The Royal Eagle. Two Veterans' Christmas card. Programme for veterans annual reunion and concert (1962) and veterans visiting panel identification card. Menu card from a dinner commemorating the retirement of a member of staff, 12 January 1952. Tickets issued for a Veterans' game of bowls in the Borough of Hove, 1951. John Benjamin's signature appears on one of the tickets. The tickets are accompanied by a letter from the donor Ticket with details for Veterans outings to Brighton, Southend and Great Yarmouth, 1973, 1976 and 1977 Memorandum including booking form for Veterans day trip to the Isle of Wight, 1976
Veterans/pension material
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). The photo is signed "Thos. Fall" (or "Falls") - this presumably refers to the Thomas Fall photography firm (the photographer Thomas Fall who founded the studio died in 1900). The same image is also included in the photo album given to John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury in 1919.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956) pictured with three others and birthday cake.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury on his 85th birthday with others
Audio recording of a programme featuring Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane interviewed by Tony Vandenburg. Topics discussed include his childhood and parents, his career at Sainsbury's, his political and social interests, and his recent campaigns at Sainsbury's (including trading stamps). Summary of content: Lord Sainsbury talking about his childhood and parents. Story of his father [J.B. Sainsbury] as a baby being in a swing in the Drury Lane shop, and given a push by customers. Work in boys' clubs in the east end of London. Talks about his entry into the business. Story about leaving the office early one day when first started due to frustration. Started working in Boscombe in Bournemouth. Story of cutting cheese for different customers. Social and political principles developed while working in boys' clubs. In revolt against parents' friends' values. Reasons for joining the Liberal Party. Disillusioned with the Liberal Party around 1935. Connected with Popular Front movement and Sir Stafford Cripps. Joined Marylebone Labour Party in 1945. Trading stamps. Importance of local shops. Value of tradition in family business.
Audio recording of Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane interview for "People Today" programme
Album containing black and white photographs of guests at a dinner held in London to celebrate the 80th anniversary of J Sainsbury's. Photographs include Mr J.B. Sainsbury, Mr Alan Sainsbury and Mr J.D. Sainsbury. There is also a copy of the menu and toasts for the dinner. Also loose in the album is a copy and a transcript of the obituary for Mr John James Sainsbury from 'The Grocer' trade magazine
80th anniversary dinner photograph album
Booklet which includes menu and details of artists performing at the 80th anniversary dinner. Includes photograph of the founders and of Mr J. B. Sainsbury. This copy has been signed by J. B. Sainsbury, Alan Sainsbury, [James] Sainsbury, F. W. Salisbury and two other illegible signatures.
80th anniversary dinner menu
Includes invitation cards to a Dinner and Dance held by the Chairman and Directors of J. Sainsbury Ltd on 10 October 1970 and 29 January 1972 at the Dorchester, Park Lane, London. The invitation cards are blank. Also includes duplicate menu cards, a guest list and a blank invitation card to a Dinner held by the Chairman and Directors of J. Sainsbury Ltd in honour of their principal suppliers on 24 October 1972 at the Savoy Hotel, London. There is a also a menu card for a dinner held to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Sainsbury's which has been signed by members of the Sainsbury family including John Benjamin and Alan Sainsbury.
Menus and invitations for dinners
Gives prices for various cuts of New Zealand lamb. It is on a postcard sized piece of card. It may have been a proof version, since John Benjamin Sainsbury has initialled the top right hand corner in red pencil.
"Just Arrived: New... Season's Lamb, J. Sainsbury" advertisement
Correspondence regarding advertising between Sainsbury's and Mather & Crowther [advertising agents for Sainsbury's]. Consists of 3 letters: (1) dated 16.11.28 from Mr Carr of Mather & Crowther Ltd. to J.B. Sainsbury concerning the 'Star Tea Company' adverts which should be countered by advertising from Sainsbury's; (2) dated 27.11.28 from Sainsbury's to W.H. Carr regarding the tea adverts and advertising for the Firm's Diamond Jubilee for June 1929; (3) dated 30.11.28 from W.H. Carr to J.B. Sainsbury regarding the Firm's Diamond Jubilee and press scandal over the intimate private affairs of a big Commercial Enterprise (unnamed).
Correspondence between Sainsbury's and Mather & Crowther Ltd about advertising
Keywords: premises, Blackfriars [head office] pp1-9; social, staff, Griffin Club, dance, football pp.12-15 & pp 31-36; social, veterans, reunion pp. 18-23; Putney High Street; branch interiors, branch exteriors, preparation areas pp.24 -29; Frank Sainsbury pp42-43; John Benjamin Sainsbury, Marylebone High Street p.50.
'JS Journal', May 1955
Presentation document thanking J.J., J.B., Arthur and Alfred Sainsbury for the support given to the families of men on National Service.
'Roll of honour' presentation document
Includes articles about the history of Blackfriars [area including Sainsbury's head office and depots in London], letters containing reminscences about the area, and a booklet by Christ Church, Blackfriars Road, 'Windows on the world of work' which includes a brief description and picture of a stained glass window Sainsbury's paid for. Also includes a letter containing reminiscences about John Benjamin Sainsbury and his relationship with one of Sainsbury's suppliers in Holland [?Rewwarden], 20 Apr 1978, a postcard depicting Stamford House, c. 1913 (ref. BL/1) and information about improvements to New Stamford House and the office layout, c. 1971 (ref. BL/3).
History of Blackfriars area articles, letters and other papers
Correspondence, mainly from John Benjamin Sainsbury to Mr Younger, area supervisor regarding complaints about staff; pricing; staff allocation and suitability; bacon sales and lists of maximum length of time that meat products could be kept in stock.
Correspondence mainly from J.B. Sainsbury to Mr Younger (area supervisor)
Indexed, signed board minutes. Also includes governing directors' minutes e.g. authorisation for the use of the company seal on legal documents. Minutes of Board meetings for the following dates: 1936 - 29 Jul, 12 Aug (a governing director's minute of 28 October 1936 includes the assignment of Alfred Banton's stores to the company) 1937 - 22 Jan, 14 Mar, 23 Jun, 1 Jul. 1938 - 25 Jan, 14, 24 Feb, 18,24 Mar, 28 Apr, 7, 13 Jul, 10 Aug, 26 Oct, 22 Dec. 1939 - 17 Jan, 9,16,23 Feb, 24,27,30 Mar, 3 Jul, 8 Sep, 23 Nov. 1940 - 1 Feb, 25 Sep, 13 Dec. 1941 - 2 Dec. (includes statement announcing appointment as directors of James Sainsbury and F.W. Salisbury, the first non-Sainsbury family member on the board) 1942 - 2 Jan, 24 Jul, 5 Aug, 18,25 Sep, 14,27 Oct, 6 Nov, 29 Dec. 1943 - 25 Mar, 15 Apr, 6,12 May, 2,24 Jun, 1,19,22,30 Jul, 6,9 Aug, 3,14,29 Sep, 5,25 Oct, 23,29 Nov, 17,24 Dec. 1944 - 28 Jan, 11,28 Feb, 14,17,21,24,28,30 Mar, 25 Apr, 18 May, 14,23,27,30 Jun, 11 Jul, 18,22,26,27 Sep, 17,23 Oct, 7,10,24 Nov, 13,22 Dec. 1945 - 3,10,19 Jan, 14 Feb, 19,23 Mar, 1,29 May, 4,20,22 Jun, 19,20 July, 7,21,24 Sep, 15 Oct, 5,7,30 Nov, 5,6,12,13 Dec. 1946 - 3,15 Jan, 1,4,12 Feb.
Directors' and board minutes, Jul 1936-Feb 1946
Includes distribution list. The reports are accompanied by two copies of a letter from Mr John Benjamin Sainsbury, one to "Jinks" signed "Uncle Jack" and the other to "Wendy" signed "Grandfather". Also includes letter from Clark, Battams and Co. acknowledging receipt of their copies.
Directors' report and accounts 1949
Photograph showing left to right: Alan, John Davan, and John Benjamin Sainsbury. The photo featured in 'JS Journal' June 1956 'in memoriam' issue page 15. Photograph by A.V. Swaebe (Society & General Press Agency), London W1 (reference R/6804).
Image of Alan, J.D. and J.B. Sainsbury at J.D. Sainsbury's 21st birthday party
Fam/1 Golden wedding menu card with family signatures, death certificate, Funeral service at St John's Putney Monday 9 January 1928. Book of obituaries collated by Mr Robert Sainsbury (transferred to Sainsbury's Archives in 1985). Obituaries from The Grocer January 7 1928, Fam/2 Memoirs, stories, anecdotes, Westminster insurance story, newspaper clippings, retirement letter, dinner invitations, staff identity card, marriage and death certificates. Funeral service at Golders Green Crematorium May 29 1956, Staff Memorial on June 5 at Southwark Cathedral,
Biographical and memorial memorabilia relating to John James and John Benjamin Sainsbury
Condolence letters to the company relating to the death of John Benjamin Sainsbury 23 May 1956. The letters are from public, private and corporate persons. Lists of who sent to each of the members of the family are included.
Condolence letters concerning Mr John Benjamin Sainsbury
Oil painting of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). Photographs of the painting are also included. The picture appears in 'The Best Butter in the World: A History of Sainsbury's' by B. Williams page 63.
Portrait painting of J.B. Sainsbury
Photograph showing John Benjamin Sainsbury (at front in centre of photo) with Sir Charles Wentworth Stanley and representatives of Sainsbury's on the steps of Mostyn House - a new hostel (staff accommodation) for Sainsbury's in Cambridge. Caption on back of photo: "New hostel acquired by J.S. in Brooklands Ave Cambridge. Our first male dormy house" and gives the names of the people in photo "l to r. Sir Charles Wentworth Stanley, A.E. Snow (dist[rict] manager), Mr John [Benjamin Sainsbury], H Lilley (manager at Cambridge), S.T. Goldup (Mr John's private secretary).". See also SA/BRA/7/C/4/1/42 which includes the five men on the photo with the staff of Cambridge branch.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury with others on the steps of Mostyn House (staff hostel)
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956) pictured with birthday cake on his 85th birthday.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury on his 85th birthday
A dedication to JB Sainsbury written in 1954 from E. E. Batchelor in Bournemouth marking their long standing friendship of 50 years. It appears to have been on behalf of the staff at the shop there.
Scroll from EE Batchelor to John Benjamin Sainsbury
A name stamp for John Benjamin Sainsbury. It contains his signature. The wooden handle connects to a clear perspex sheet with Mr JB's signature underneath to show what the stamp would provide when used. There is a steel rim wrapped around the outside securing the parts together. The stamp itself has seen a great deal of use.
John Benjamin Sainsbury name stamp
A glass name plate with 'J.B SAINSBURY.' written upon it in black letters with a gold background. The glass has a beveled edge. It The plate may have been used on a door, or a free standing desk mount. The reverse of the plate has a black deposit on it, that suggests it may have been removed from a door.
'J.B. Sainsbury' name plate
Includes signed indenture between John James Sainsbury and Alfred Banton relating to assignment of leasehold on premises at 424 Tottenham High Road, 25 May 1903, for the sum of £1,500, with associated letter from solicitors Richardson, Foxwell & Hart. Also includes an architectural drawing and license for proposed alterations to new warehouse premises at Tottenham High Road, 5 December 1932. The licence is made out from J.B Sainsbury Esq. & Others to J. Sainsbury Limited.
Leasehold assignment indenture and alteration licence for Sainsbury's branch at 424 Tottenham High Road
Newspaper article published in the Manchester Evening News. Mentions the birth of John Benjamin Sainsbury above the old Drury Lane branch and a swing that was "put up between the shop and warehouse door to keep him out of mischief".
Newspaper article on opening of new Drury Lane branch
Includes a booklet producted by the JS Journal [Sainsbury's staff magazine] to mark the death of John Benjamin Sainsbury, 'In Memoriam June 1956' and a photocopied article on James Edward Buchanan Boswell by James Holland which appeared in 'Designer', June 1971. He was editor of the JS Journal and of 'JS 100'. Also includes an appraisal of the JS Journal for a competition. The JS Journal came third out of 21 entries. There is also a set of photographs which feature a display of the first issue of the JS Journal, December 1946 and an issue from December 1993. There is also a set of photocopies of letters and press releases from 1907 until 1968. In the case of each letter or press release someone has noted the colour the name of the Company and the address of its head office was printed in. It is not clear why this was done.
JS Journal material
Includes: assignment and indemnity in respect of building contracts between Mr J.B. Sainsbury and The Cheyne Syndicate Limited (1925) and two certificates for transfer of shares in The Cheyne Investments Limited.
Minutes of The Cheyne Investments Limited Management Committee meetings
Rectangular brushed steel nameplate inscribed in black, 'J.B. SAINSBURY'.
'J.B. Sainsbury' name plate
Unused corporate Christmas cards to be sent out from the Chairmans office including different versions of the same card. Many feature pictures of works of art held in the Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery on the front. Also a good luck card signed by staff at branch at 3 London Road, Brighton and card from the Committee of Veterans with photograph of the president on the front. Also includes a Christmas card from John Benjamin Sainsbury from the 1950s.
Corporate Christmas cards
Correspondence from John Benjamin Sainsbury (Mr J.B.) to Mr E Tupman, manager of Watford branch (1906 -1944). Also includes letter from Mr J.B. to Mr W Denston at Watford branch (1902) and letter and colour photocopies of photographs sent into the archives by Mr Tupman's granddaughter (2002).
Correspondence relating to Watford branch
Includes early instructions from Mr J.B Sainsbury and George Sainsbury to individual branches regarding bonuses for managing branches, product ordering, pricing and sales and also memoranda from Branch Administration. Also includes 1990s branch administration memos from head office to stores. See SA/BRA/3/1/2/1 for more.
Branch administration correspondence
Includes display of Primula and Kraft cheese spreads. Image included in 'JS Journal' December 1953, p.18, with the caption "Mr. John with the manager, Mr. Mitchell, who told us that after only one day in the shop he couldn't imagine how they had managed before."
Image of chairman John Benjamin Sainsbury and manager Mr Mitchell in 50-54 Chalton Street, Somers Town branch
Indexed. Signed. Includes letter from Coppen Bros. Ltd on terms of sale of the company to J. Sainsbury Ltd,12 Aug 1954, document announcing the holding of an extraordinary meeting on 9 March 1965, and minutes of first meeting of Board of Directors, 21 Mar 1958. Minutes of Board meetings for the following dates: 1954 - 6,8,15,25,27,28 Jan, 2,10,12,22 Feb, 8,12,16,18,23,24,26 Mar, 8,12,13,14,27 Apr, 3,5,14,17,21 May, 2,4,21,22 Jun, 2,7,13,29,30 Jul, 3,13,18,20 Aug, 14,22,23,27, Sep, 12,25,26,29, Oct, 10,19,25 Nov, 1,7,9,13,16,22,29 Dec. 1955 - 3,19,26,28 Jan, 2,7,11,16,17 Feb, 9,16,17,22,24 Mar, 6,14,25,28, Apr, 3,4,9,19,20 May, 14,22,27 Jun, 14,21,22,29 Jul, 9,12,16,17 Aug, 5,14,15,16,19,27,28 Sep, 4,11,12,17,20,24 Oct, 8,15,16,25,29 Nov, 1,5,8,12,13,14,22 Dec. 1956 - 2,5,17,25,30 Jan, 9,15,21,28 Feb, 6,9,19,20 Mar, 5,17 Apr, 14,28,30 May, 7,8,13,18,20,27,28 Jun, 4, Jul, 3,9,22,31 Aug, 3,5,17,26,27 Sep, 3,8,15,24,25,31 Oct, 21,22,26 Nov, 10,18, Dec. 1957 - 2,10,22,25, Jan, 12,15,28 Feb, 4,15,18,20,22,25,29, Mar 17,24, Apr, 3,7,15,23,29 May, 3,14,20,26,28 Jun, 8,10,11,15,23,26 Jul, 26,28,20 Aug, 3,5,18,23,25,30, Sep, 28 Oct, 13,15,17,28 Nov, 4,11,30 Dec. 1958 - 1,16,22,24,29 Jan, 5,11,14,17 Feb, 6,20,21,31 Mar, 6,21,25,30 Apr, 5,29 May, 5,13,17,18,19,25,26 Jun, 2,11,18,21,29, Jul, 8,13,14,25 Aug, 2,17,23,2526 Sep, 8,16,20,23,27,29,30 Oct, 3,5,6,13,19,24,26 Nov, 3,5,20,29,31 Dec. 1959 - 7,14,28,30 Jan, 17,20,23 Feb, 9,20 Mar, 8,9,20; Apr 1,6,12,14,22 May, 9,15,16,17,19,24 Jun, 3,21,27 Jul; 5,6,7,13,14,19 Aug, 2,3,9,11,16,28 Sep, 5,21,24,26 Oct, 4,5,16,18,20,24,25 Nov, 1,9,11,14,17,23 Dec. 1960 - 8,21,29 Jan, 2,15,16,17,23,29 Feb, 2,10,18,23,24 Mar. The hire of the EMIDEC 1100 computer at £11,540 per quarter is referred to on page 233.
Board minutes, Jan 1954-Mar 1960
Service agreements between J. Sainsbury Limited and John Benjamin Sainsbury dated 10 October 1938 and 24 July 1942 (2 copies).
John Benjamin Sainsbury service agreements
Correspondence to George Howard concerning salary increases, appointmentsVE Day, war memorial and his 40 years service anniversary. Letters are from different persons including JB Sainsbury, Alan J Sainsbury, RJ Sainsbury and John Sainsbury.
Illustrated presentation document presented by officials and branch managers to John Benjamin Sainsbury and Alfred Sainsbury on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of J. Sainsbury Ltd. Consists of a handwritten document mounted on card praising the leadership and judgement John Benjamin and Alfred and listing the names of all those expressing admiration.
30th anniversary of J. Sainsbury Ltd presentation document to John Benjamin Sainsbury and Alfred Sainsbury
Black and white mounted photograph of Managers and Officials at a dinner given by Mr J. B. Sainsbury to celebrate the wedding of his son Mr Alan Sainsbury.
Photograph of managers and officials at dinner to celebrate wedding of Alan Sainsbury
Christmas card from the Committee of the Veterans Group with photograph of Mr. J.B. Sainsbury sitting on a bench mounted on the front. A caption beneath the photograph reads "Our President".
Christmas card from the Committee of the Veterans Group
Photograph showing standing: John Benjamin, Arthur, Frank, and Alfred Sainsbury; seated: Paul, John James, and George Sainsbury. Photograph by Wicksteed & Palmer, 109 Cheapside E.C. The photograph features in 'JS 100 The Story of Sainsbury's' page 12/13 and 'The Best Butter in the World: A History of Sainsbury's' by B. Williams page 59. The photograph appears to have been taken at the wedding of Frank Sainsbury and Elma Wallace (which is reported in the South-West Suffolk Echo 26th April 1902 as having taken place on 23rd April 1902). It had previously been identified as having been taken at the wedding of John Benjamin and Mabel Sainsbury but further research and another photograph (included in accession 2012/9) featuring Frank Sainsbury with the bride and bridesmaids gives a very strong indication that it was in fact taken at Frank Sainsbury's wedding. See also SA/FAM/1/6/2/1 and accession 2012/9 for other photographs taken on the same day.
Image of John James Sainsbury with his sons John Benjamin, Arthur, Frank, Alfred, Paul and George
Correspondence (mostly from or to Sainsbury's Archivist), notes, copies of birth certificates, trade directory entries and other papers relating to John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury.
Correspondence and other papers relating to John James Sainsbury and Mary Ann Sainsbury (nee Staples)
Mixed papers relating to the bequest of John Benjamin to his sons and many letters of thanks for a £10 bequest (August 1956) to Sainsbury's pensioners. Other typical papers include, memorial service, drafts of his obituary, letters regarding his emergency transport home, attendees to the funeral service. Newspaper articles concerning the will of Mr JB.
Bequest, Memorial, JSJ Memorial papers
Condolence letters to the company relating to the death of John Benjamin Sainsbury 23 May 1956. The letters are from public, private and corporate persons. Lists of who sent to each of the members of the family are included.
Condolence letters concerning Mr John Benjamin Sainsbury
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). He is seated beside a picture of his father John James Sainsbury and his wife Mabel Sainsbury (née Van den Bergh). There are signed initials, possibly 'RW' (but this is unclear) on the cardboard mount - these perhaps could be the initials of the photographer.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury, seated beside pictures of J.J. Sainsbury and Mabel Sainsbury
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). It was probably taken at his home in Bexhill.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury walking in a garden
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). It appears this may be a cropped version of another photo - possibly with a reference of 58707 (number written on back of duplicates).
Image of J.B. Sainsbury
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). Photograph by Fox Photos Ltd.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). Published in 'JS100: The Story of Sainsbury's', page 13.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury, with pipe
J.B. Sainsbury can be seen second from the left. Accompanying note states that photograph was taken "On the occasion of a dinner given to Mr J.B.S. on the occasion of his 70?th Birthday by the Senior Executives of the company at the time.". The note also lists the people featured on the image, and there is a separate key which matches the list to the person. Photograph by Cecil Walden Ltd, London.
Image of J.B. Sainsbury's (70th?) birthday dinner with senior executives
Photograph of John Benjamin Sainsbury (chairman of Sainsbury's 1928-1956). The photo is labelled 'Bexhill 1954'. Mr Sainsbury lived in the Bexhill area, and this may have been taken at an event for Sainsbury's staff in the area or another local event. Photographer: Photolux, N.E.C. Redford, Hastings (reference 119/71).
Image of J.B. Sainsbury at a dinner, "Bexhill 1954"
Condolence letters to the company relating to the death of John Benjamin Sainsbury 23 May 1956. The letters are from public, private and corporate persons. There are greater numbers from companies who had business dealings with Sainsbury's
Condolence letters concerning Mr John Benjamin Sainsbury
Copies of two essays written by Bernard Ramm bound together as a spiral bound booklet. The essays relate to the development of the company and its management from the 1950s to 1980s. The two essays are: "Sainsbury's in The 1950's and 60's" dated November 1978, which was intended to supplement the book "JS 100" about Sainsbury's history, and discusses the management of the company (including the people involved) and developments during this period. Includes information about post-war restrictions such as customer registration, the expansion of the company, the principles by which the company was run, regular management meetings, pricing, window displays, difficulties with the Blackfriars depot and factory for the expanding company, new depots, the administration of the company, and the Sainsbury family. "Sainsbury's - The Fourth Generation" dated July 1980, about the development of the company after John Davan Sainsbury took over as Chairman in 1969, the management style of the company and new Chairman, the engagement of consultant Ned Harwell to introduce a new system of supplying the shops, flotation of the company on the stock market, financial systems, the pension scheme, changes to the senior management, diversification, and design.
"Sainsbury's in The 1950's and 1960s" and "Sainsbury's - The Fourth Generation" essays by B.T. Ramm
Audio recording and transcript of a meeting between F.W. Salisbury (Sainsbury's director) and Jim Woods (Sainsbury's Publicity Manager) discussing draft of Sainsbury's 100 years book ("JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's"). According to a note on one of the cassettes, these conversations were held in Salisbury's garden at Bosham in Summer 1968. Summary of content: 64_A: early 1900s?: Page 9 of draft general design of shops. 1920s (approximate): Butchers' blocks and butchery, bacon. ?: Horse repository. Distribution, range of goods. First World War: Meat imports. early 1900s: Margarine. Butter. Building new shops - stories about JB and Frank Sainsbury. Costs. Haverhill, egg production. Stamford House site [main head office building], previous shops. Early competitors. Maypole Dairies, Home & Colonial dairies. New shops in Dalston, Ealing. John Collis. Early Stamford House (Sainsbury's head office). Sausages - Baxters, Sainsbury's early manufacture. More about sausages. L.J. King advertising lamp shade. Last gas lamps, change to electric, early refrigeration, cold stores, N. Pole Ice Co. Early innovations, hygiene. Page 16 of draft - messengers, horses & carts. Imports of food. Cooked meats, references to JB Sainsbury. Sausages; JB Sainsbury and beef sausages. Different goods sold. Frank Sainsbury and eggs, poultry, Lloyd Maunder [supplier to Sainsbury's]. Rabbits from Ostend. 65_A: early 1900s: More about imports. Working conditions. Early Closing Act and Association. Closing hours. Takings per shop. 1905-1910: More about takings. Delivery vans and taking. early 1900s: Kensington shop description. Animals and breeds, Frank Lloyd Maunder. Commodity knowledge, JB Sainsbury. Early beginnings of Lloyd Maunder association. 1930: Visit to Ireland with Mr Alan Sainsbury. ?: More about Lloyd Maunder and family. 1930s?: Powers Samas, accounting. Scotch beef, John Collis. Page 22 of draft. Canterbury Frozen meat Co. ?: References to Frank Sainsbury. early 1900s, First World War: Wages, conditions. First World War: Rationing. Derby scheme. 1919: Norton and training. 1914-19: Cheese, teas, range, prices. 1920s: Introduction of grocery by JB Sainsbury. Third generation of Sainsbury's. New Grocery Lanham. Selsa introduction. post First World War: Delivery trucks. Packaging groceries. 66_A post First World War: New staff, depression. Intro of delivery charge. 1931: Acquisition of site for plant, kitchens, factory. 1914 onwards: Distribution - options, difficulties with rail, steam wagons, first motor vehicles, transport managers. Early 1930s: Accounting, Power Samas, pension scheme. Beginning of Second World War: Trading. End of Second World War?: First selling of tomatoes. Second World War: Points scheme. Closure of branches. End of Second World War: Trading situation. Fullers. Livestock, loss of breeding stock during war. Cattle breeds. post Second World War: Extension of grocery range. changing use of space in stores. introduction of cash registers. Large increase in trade-figures. Increase in counter space, talk about introduction of self-service. Building licenses and lack of new equipment. various dates: 9-11 Croydon, other early stores. 1930s: Frozen foods and early cabinets. 1940s: Opening of first self-service, store design. Early Express checkouts. Store openings. 1950s: Fresh meat self-service. 1940s/50s: Staff relations, wages living in. Various dates, up to 1950s: RJ Sainsbury and work on rehabilitation. Opening/closing hours and regulations. Various stores. Difficulties with local council in obtaining building licenses in specific places. Various dates: Historical comparison of price per sq. ft. and rents ?: Cheneys (ph), JB Sainsbury, reference to JJ Sainsbury. possibly early 1930s: Stamford and Wakefield House, offices, factory. ?: Six departments. 67_A: Goat and Compasses. Whale meat. Coventry. Women's employment 1914. 515 Finchley Road. Kippers appeared for the first time. Tomatoes. Fish cake Fullers. Livestock culled. Milk Marketing Board 1950s. National Cattle Breeders' Association. FW Salisbury - 6 month period at Smithfield. Groceries. Belgian penny wafers. Dutch Custard Powder. Australian goods. Shop fronts removed for extra counter space 1950s. Rationing. New store design. National Cash Registers. Hygiene. Swifts of Chicago. Building licences. New equipment. Refrigeration case. Ice cream Ruislip. Frozen food counters for grocery. Renovation of old teak shop front. Express checkouts. Grange Hill London County Council estate. Lewisham 1954. Technological difficulties. Customer credit. Housekeeper. Rehabilitation of men returning from war service. 68_A Ilford butcher shop closed Monday afternoon. Personnel. 1922 introduction of wage for age scale. Corruption. Kingston. Staff Association. Epsom. Henry Valence. Sainsbury's sausages and Baxter's sausages. Wakefield House. Cooked meats.
Audio recording and transcript of F.W. Salisbury and J. Woods discussing history of Sainsbury's for 'JS 100' book
Letter signed JB Sainsbury (Stamford House, Blackfriars) to Mr. Curtis, manager of the East Finchley branch. The letter asks Mr. Curtis to take advantage of Lord Derby's scheme and to claim exemption from serving in the army. Sainsbury writes that the company cannot fill this managerial position with women, and points out that the company 'have released more men per shop than any other tradesman (the total number now exceeds 1100)'.
Letter to Mr. Curtis regarding exemption from army