Sainsbury's Director: Chief Executive; Chairman
1976: joined the company;
1977: Director of Marketing and Non-Foods (joined the Board of J. Sainsbury Ltd);
1979: Assistant Managing Director, Buying and Marketing;
1986: resigned to become Deputy Chief Executive of Reed International;
2000-Mar 2004: Chief Executive:
2000-?: Chairman and Managing Director of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd
2000-?: Chairman of Homebase Ltd
Mar-Jun 2004: Chairman;
Jun 2004: resigned
fl. 1976-2004
Related content
Photograph of the preview reception at Cromwell Road branch in Kensington, London on 7 November 1983 (the day before the store opened to the public). The event was attended by various special guests including Princess Margaret. The man in the suit appears to be Peter Davis (Sainsbury's assistant managing director).
Image of preview reception at Cromwell Road, Kensington branch: in the fresh fruit and vegetables department
The event was an opportunity for local dignitaries to see the new store. Attendees included Mayor and Mayoress of Northwich
Image of Peter Davis tying a knot of friendship at 21 Leicester Street, Northwich branch
Note from the Company Historian to Sir Peter Davis [Chief Executive] regarding possible locations for the Blackfriars Fellowship to hold their carol service. Includes guides to St Etheldreda's, St Alban the Martyr and St Andrew's, Holborn.
Church guides
Contact print of a visit by Sainsbury's chairman Sir J.D. Sainsbury (later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) and assistant managing director Peter Davis to supplier Nimbus Laboratories. The company which was a manufacturer of soaps, toiletries and allied products was set up by Northampton and County Association for the Blind to give employment to visually handicapped and physically disabled persons (see JS Journal October 1981 page 5 for more information).
Image of Sir J.D. Sainsbury and Peter Davis visiting supplier Nimbus Laboratories
Includes assistant managing director Peter Davis, branch personnel officer Linda Reed and Philippa Lay
Image of preview for the Lord Mayors of Hull and Beverley at Sainsbury Way, Hessle, Hull branch
First contact report from Saatchi & Saatchi Garland-Compton Ltd. who took over (as advertising agents to Sainsbury's) from OBM. Meeting was held at Stamford House and clients present were Mr J. Sainsbury [Sainsbury's Chairman] and Mr P. Davis. Issues discussed included the composition of a planned television commercial, and layout of newspaper advertisements and their insertion in various papers.
First contact report by Saatchi & Saatchi Garland-Compton Ltd relating to advertising
Folder of papers relating to a press briefing on Sainsbury's stance on nutritional labelling and the use of artificial additives at the Sainsbury's Conference Centre, Rennie House, Stamford Street, London on 4 March 1986. The folder contains: "A healthy look at Sainsbury's labels." - leaflet for customers on "How to read, understand and use the nutritional information on our packs". "A Healthy Look at the Sainsbury Label" text of talk by Peter Davis (Assistant Managing Director) "A Healthy Look at the Sainsbury Label" press release, 4 Mar 1986 "Coming To Terms with Healthy Eating" press release ('Shopping News') about the "A healthy look at Sainsbury's labels." leaflet, 4 Mar 1986 "Coming To Terms with Healthy Eating" photograph with caption, 4 Mar 1986 "New Healthy Eating Cookbooks Series" press release ('Shopping News'), 4 Mar 1986 "Sarah Brown - Editor of New Healthy Eating Cookbooks" photograph with caption, 4 Mar 1986 "New Healthy Eating Cookbooks Series" photograph with caption, 4 Mar 1986 "New Recipe Library" press release ('Shopping News'), 4 Mar 1986 "New Recipe Library" photograph with caption, 4 Mar 1986 "Nutrititionally Labelled Foods" - list for customers of these foods, Mar 1986 "Artificial Colour Free Foods" - list for customers of these foods, Mar 1986 "Foods From Which Artificial Additives Have Been Removed in the Last Year" - list for customers of these foods, Mar 1986 "Monosodium Glutamate Free Foods (621)" - list for customers of these foods, Mar 1986 "Preservative Free Foods unless otherwise stated" - list for customers of these foods, Mar 1986
"A healthy look at the Sainsbury label." press briefing pack
Intended opening of the first SavaCentre hypermarket at Washington (County Durham, includes pictures) pgs 1-2; Preliminary results 1975/76 pg 3; Shop-within-a-shop, a scheme where can buy damaged goods at discounted prices pg 3; Introduction of quilts/duvets in selected branches (includes picture) pg 4; Swindon branch visited by the mayor (includes picture) pg 4; Appointment of Peter Davis as a departmental director in the trading division (includes picture) pg 4; Sales of micromesh tights pg 5; Introduction of hand picked produce at Lewisham (Avery 1750 machine, includes pictures) pgs 6-7; Night shift at Stamford House [head office] (1904S computer, includes pictures) pgs 8-9; Progress of Sainsbury's freezer centres (includes picture of Maidenhead branch) pgs 10-11; Introduction of the half a lamb in branches pg 11; Work of the chauffer department (includes picture) pg 11; Problem of unsold goods being returned from branches to the depots (includes pictures) pgs 12-15; Retirements of Les Westcott (area general manager of JS's Woking office) and Stanley Brightwell (technical consultant) (includes pictures) pgs 19-20; Effects of inflation on prices and goods pg 22.
'JS Journal', May 1976
The photographs in this set appear to show the visit by Michael Jopling MP (Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) to Coldhams Lane store in Cambridge during the Sainsbury's Select the Best of British campaign. He was accompanied by Sir John Sainsbury (Chairman). (See JS Journal October 1983, for further information about the visit). Also on the picture is Peter Davis (Assistant Managing Director, Buying and Marketing).
Image of a visit to Cambridge Coldhams Lane by Michael Jopling (Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)
Photograph of the preview reception at Cromwell Road branch in Kensington, London on 7 November 1983 (the day before the store opened to the public). The event was attended by various special guests including Princess Margaret. The man in the suit appears to be Peter Davis (Sainsbury's assistant managing director), and wearing red appears to be Lady Sainsbury.
Image of preview reception at Cromwell Road, Kensington branch: in the fresh fruit and vegetables department
Includes person in Father Christmas costume in background. Image included in 'JS Journal' January 1980, p.4.
Image of assistant managing director Peter Davis greeting customers entering 44 Ankerside Shopping Centre, Tamworth branch on its opening day
Photograph taken at Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane's 80th birthday dinner held at the Dorchester. The event was attended by Sainsbury's directors (including members of the Sainsbury family) and some retired senior managers and directors. Derek Salisbury, manager of Estates Services (left), Peter Davis, director (centre left), David Sainsbury, finance director (centre right), and Simon Sainsbury (right) pictured. Photographer's reference number 2509/3/12.
Image of Lord Alan Sainsbury's 80th birthday dinner: Derek Salisbury, Peter Davis, David Sainsbury and Simon Sainsbury
Photograph depicting Sir Roy Griffiths (deputy chairman), Sir John Davan Sainsbury (chairman; later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) and Peter Davis (assistant managing director) in a meeting.
Image of Roy Griffiths, J.D. Sainsbury and Peter Davis in a meeting
Photograph depicting Sir Roy Griffiths (deputy chairman), Sir John Davan Sainsbury (chairman; later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) and Peter Davis (assistant managing director) in a meeting.
Image of Roy Griffiths, J.D. Sainsbury and Peter Davis in a meeting
Photograph showing guests at tables at a dinner party including members of the Sainsbury family and some company directors. In the back row some people can be probably identified (this may not be fully correct, as some people cannot be seen clearly): Robert Sainsbury, Lady Sainsbury of Drury Lane (wife of Alan, Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane), James Sainsbury? (possibly - partially obscured), unidentified woman, unidentified man, Anya Sainsbury (wife of J.D. Sainsbury), Roy Griffiths (a Sainsbury's director), unidentified woman, J.D. Sainsbury (chairman; later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover), unidentified woman, Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane (Alan Sainsbury), unidentified woman, unidentified man, and Simon Sainsbury. On the near table (back row, second from left) is Peter Davis (a Sainsbury's director). The filing of this picture (and another which appears to be of the same event) in the James Sainsbury file may indicate this event was in some way connected specifically with James Sainsbury but this is unclear and it may instead have been misplaced. Photograph by Rawood Ltd, London (reference 3699/17).
Image of unidentified party: guests including family members and some company directors
Photograph of (left to right): Andrew Snow (branch manager), Joe Barnes (Sainsbury's retail director), Marian Bird (first customer at the branch), John Toft (the original owner of the site) and Peter Davis (Sainsbury's assistant managing director, buying and marketing). Photograph by Dennis Mansell, Braintree (reference 508/44). The photograph is included in 'JS Journal' April 1982 (page 7).
Image of 1 Tofts Walk, Braintree branch: first customer with Sainsbury's directors and branch manager, and the former owner of site
Includes images used for annual report and accounts. Also includes memo from P. J. Dixon to Mr P. J. Davis [Director of Marketing and Non-Foods] regarding the photographer's brief.
Images used for annual report and accounts
Photograph depicting Sir Roy Griffiths (deputy chairman), Sir John Davan Sainsbury (chairman; later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) and Peter Davis (assistant managing director) in a meeting.
Image of Roy Griffiths, J.D. Sainsbury and Peter Davis in a meeting
Originals and photocopies of initial takings estimates for newly opened branches From c. 1963 until 1966 the takings were agreed by the BMC. From 1967 until mid Dec 1971 the takings were agreed by the DBC. From 1972 until 1977, the takings were agreed by the Takings Sub-Committee (known from 1972 until 1976 as the Initial Takings Estimates Committee) of the DBC. Thereafter they were normally agreed with Mr JHG Barnes and Mr PJ Davis. The folder was complied by Mr R Linfield [DBC: Director's Branch Committee?]
Initial takings estimates, 1959-80
Includes: copy of document sent by R.A. Chadwick to Mr. C. Roberts dated 18 June 1987 entitled 'Gross Profit on Issues Progress Report' (includes a table of statistics illustrating the 'Required margin and turnover increases over budget in periods 4-13 to generate a given trading profit variance from budget'); and document sent by P.J. Davis [Assistant Managing Director, Buying and Marketing] to The Chairman dated 12 December 1985 concerning gross profit targets - periods 11 to 13 (includes table of gross profit targets statistics - periods 11-13 1985/86 and table comparing the Departmental Mix and Margins for periods 11 to 13, 1984/85 and proposed targets for periods 11 to 13 , 1985/86).
Statistical information relating to gross profit
Document entitled "Advertising Agencies", author unknown (signature at end is illegible). Document comprises a member of staff's arguments as to why the Company should appoint Abbott Mead Vickers Ltd. as its advertising agency as opposed to Lowe Howard-Spink Campbell-Ewald. Document is addressed to Mr P.J. Davis. The author's arguments are made in light of the Company's "problem" which is to maintain its reputation for quality and innovation, while establishing itself as being competitively priced.
Document entitled "Advertising Agencies"
12 black and white prints, 6 colour transparencies, 1 black and white contact sheet of a press conference held on 6 April 1981 to launch Sainsbury's Vitapint (a reduced fat skimmed milk with more protein). The conference was presented by Sir John Sainsbury (later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover), Peter Davis and Bob Ingham. The black and white prints (and possibly the other images) were taken by photographer Michael Price (of Wimbledon Park, London).
Photographs of Vitapint launch event, 6 Apr 1981
Includes enclosed copy of 'Quality Times' newsletter "For Colleagues in Sainsbury's Stores".
'our business', summer 2000
p1: board changes, Roy Griffiths, John Sainsbury, Peter Davis [new Assistant Managing Director, Buying and Marketing]; p2&3: VAT; peanuts; Lexden branch opening; savings related share option scheme; p4&5: three way adapter; tinware; Josceline Dimbleby herbs and spices JS cookery book; p6: controlled temperature store rooms; kiwifruit; p7: ITV strike changes advertising plan; p9&10 then 15&16: cheddar; p11-14: Sainsbury's who's who of management; p17: your letters; p19: Tom Searle retirement from Kingston; p21: people pages; p22: Les Jiggins retirment from Central Ilford; p23: Pete Serjeant retirement from Spillers poultry packaging station at Bury St Edmonds; p24: Archives "A store of memories" history of John Wanamaker
'JS Journal', October 1979
Keywords: reduced prices on English Tendersweet bacon despite rise in EEC tax, Sainsbury's remains confident despite unfit meat carcasses scare, four Sainsbury's advertising campaigns win awards p.2; delivery and installation of Sainsbury's two new ICL 2976 computers in Rennie House, Blackfriars, councillors visit Charlton depot, customer fined for leaving a supermarket trolley in the street, opening of Rayleigh Weir and Aylesbury branches p.3; mobile racking introduced at Basingstoke depot (with photographs) p.4; graduate recruitment (with photographs) p.5; Sainsbury's own brand new products: claret, Vitapint, twin pack jelly, wholewheat spagetti and Pale Cream British sherry pp.6-7; Sir John Sainsbury calls for better marketing for British agriculture at the Hampshire Farmers' Union AGM (with photograph) p.8; opening of the first Homebase in Purley Way, Croydon (with photographs) p.9; Holloway Road branch assist with supplies for the British Mount Kongur Expedition to China (with photograph), opening of the Blackfrairs gymnasium club (with photograph) p.10; Sainsbury's own brand sherries (with photographs) p.11-13; article on marketing to promote buying British produce mentioning Sir John Sainsbury and Peter Davis [Assistant Managing Director, Buying and Marketing] (with photograph) pp. 14 & 22; senior management conferernce in Eastbourne (with photographs of Sir John Sainsbury, Gurth Hoyer Miller, David Sainsbury, Angus Clark, Peter Davis and Roy Griffiths) p.15; Miss JS personality girls (with photographs) pp.16-17; retirements of 'Jeff' Jeffries, Jim Martin and Gordon Cox (with photographs) pp.20-21; Lewisham branches converage of the Cambridge and Oxford boat race in 1921 through a 60 foot replica of the Thames course, archivist Harriet Geddes visits one time 'egg boy' at the Chester branch p.24.
'JS Journal', February 1981
Includes assistant managing director Peter Davis, branch personnel officer Linda Reed and Philippa Lay. Image used in August 1984 issue of 'JS Journal'
Image of preview for the Lord Mayors of Hull and Beverley at Sainsbury Way, Hessle, Hull branch
Contains biographies of members of staff and material relating to the careers of senior members of staff before and after their employment with Sainsbury's Includes books presented to members of Sainsbury's senior management team on their retirement including their career history with the company. Includes the following directors: P. J. Davis Tom Vyner D. W. Smith Trefor Hales J. H. G. Barnes R. A. Clark Roy Griffiths Gurth Hoyer Millar Angus Clark Dave Smith Colin Harvey Nigel F Matthews Dino Adriano Dvaid Bremner Kevin Macarten
Director's biographies
Contains speeches of mixed content: 1.10.1983 Copy of slide script submitted for use by Director-General of the Institute of Marketing , Peter Blood, at the Institute of Marketing Lunch/presentation of national marketing awards. Also includes other related papers. 31.10.1985 'Satisfying the changing demands of the Consumer'; given at the Supermarketing Conference by (?)Peter Davis [Assistant Managing Director, Buying and Marketing]. 10.3.1986 'Communicating the Quality Factor'; given at the CIES Conference: "The Retail Trade and The New Communication Challenge" by Mr. M.D. Conolly, Director of Marketing, J. Sainsbury plc. (?)June 1986 Presentation given by Michael Conolly to the J.S. Trading Policy Grade 13 Course. 21.10.1986 Presentation given by Michael Conolly, Director of Marketing, J. Sainsbury plc, to the Good Housekeeping 'Tomorrow's Food' Conference. 26.4.1986 'The Right Product at the Right Time'; presentation by Michael Conolly, Director of Marketing, J. Sainsbury plc, to the Conference of the Institute of Home Economics. 18.11.1986 'What is Media Value, and how does it affect us?'; given by Michael Conolly at The Advertising Association Media Business Course. 5.3.1987 'From Corner Shop to Supermarket'; given by Mr. C. J. Leaver, Head of Public Relations, J. Sainsbury plc, to the Institute of Dairy Technology (South Eastern Area). Also includes correspondence arranging Mr. C. Leaver as speaker on the History and Development of Sainsbury's at the above meeting. 29.6.1987 'Does the Public Service Serve - the Consumer Dimension'; given by Sir Roy Griffiths, Deputy Chairman and Managing Director J. Sainsbury plc, as the Redcliffe-Maud Memorial Lecture, Institution of Civil Engineers. 26.6.1989 Talk given by J.H.G. Barnes at the Oxford Business Course Dinner (first draft). 11.2.1992 Speech given by R.T. Vyner, Joint Managing Director of Sainsbury's, to the AGM of the National Farmers' Union. c.1992 Background paper from which to draw for presentations by Mr. Alan L. Jacobs entitled 'J.S. and the Retail Food Revolution 1869-1914'. Also includes Bridget Williams' [Company Archivist] comments on the paper and other related correspondence.
General speeches
Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans [retired staff] of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets, Savacentre and Homebase Contents: “Peter Davis returns for top role” the new Group Chief Executive will be starting in March 2000 “Oh, for a good night’s sleep” an interesting article on an ‘electric bed’ “Alfred’s gift to a team he loved” a refurbished changing room from a Sainsbury’s Veteran “West London volunteers wanted” Sixty Plus are looking for people to help the charity “Lunch Service” long service lunch for 40 Veterans at the Savoy Hotel “Bringing people together” search for volunteer visitors in the Midlands “Visiting the issues” report on the Veterans Visiting Panel Conference 1999 “Go West” the third West Country Veterans reunion took place on the 14th February “Veterans’ Profiles, on her bike” Sybil Wilson’s life with a bike “Veterans’ Profiles, life as a volunteer” David Beard’s experiences as a volunteer “Safe and sound” helpful hints on how to make your home secure “Retirements” list of new members to the Veterans Group “Birthdays” members’ birthdays during April, May and June “Anniversaries” members with Golden and Diamond Wedding Anniversaries from December through to May “Obituary” list of Veterans who have recently died “Simnel cake for Easter” recipe “Local Associations” reports from various areas associations outings and lunches “Lord, about lawns” gardening article by Frank Gandy “SSA Offers for Veterans” various offers for days out and events “Remember the Millennium?” wordsearch competition “Letters” various letters on different topics from veterans “Mystery object competition” question and photo
'Veterans News', Spring 2000
Photograph taken at Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane's 80th birthday dinner held at the Dorchester. The event was attended by Sainsbury's directors (including members of the Sainsbury family) and some retired senior managers and directors. Caption on back of print identifies Mr [Bernard] Ramm pictured (top right). Also pictured in photograph is Cecil Roberts (left), Jim Woods (centre) and Arthur Trask (seated). Peter Davis can be seen in the background. Photographer's reference number 2509/3/33.
Image of Lord Alan Sainsbury's 80th birthday dinner: Cecil Roberts, Jim Woods, Bernard Ramm and Arthur Trask
Photograph depicting Sir John Davan Sainsbury (chairman; later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) and Peter Davis (assistant managing director) in a meeting.
Image of J.D. Sainsbury and Peter Davis in a meeting
Photograph depicting Sir Roy Griffiths (deputy chairman), Sir John Davan Sainsbury (chairman; later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) and Peter Davis (assistant managing director) in a meeting.
Image of Roy Griffiths, J.D. Sainsbury and Peter Davis in a meeting
Contact print of a visit by Sainsbury's chairman Sir J.D. Sainsbury (later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) and assistant managing director Peter Davis to supplier Nimbus Laboratories. The company which was a manufacturer of soaps, toiletries and allied products was set up by Northampton and County Association for the Blind to give employment to visually handicapped and physically disabled persons (see JS Journal October 1981 page 5 for more information).
Image of Sir J.D. Sainsbury and Peter Davis visiting supplier Nimbus Laboratories
Contact print of a visit by Sainsbury's chairman Sir J.D. Sainsbury (later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) and assistant managing director Peter Davis to supplier Nimbus Laboratories. The company which was a manufacturer of soaps, toiletries and allied products was set up by Northampton and County Association for the Blind to give employment to visually handicapped and physically disabled persons (see JS Journal October 1981 page 5 for more information).
Image of Sir J.D. Sainsbury and Peter Davis visiting supplier Nimbus Laboratories
Copies of two essays written by Bernard Ramm bound together as a spiral bound booklet. The essays relate to the development of the company and its management from the 1950s to 1980s. The two essays are: "Sainsbury's in The 1950's and 60's" dated November 1978, which was intended to supplement the book "JS 100" about Sainsbury's history, and discusses the management of the company (including the people involved) and developments during this period. Includes information about post-war restrictions such as customer registration, the expansion of the company, the principles by which the company was run, regular management meetings, pricing, window displays, difficulties with the Blackfriars depot and factory for the expanding company, new depots, the administration of the company, and the Sainsbury family. "Sainsbury's - The Fourth Generation" dated July 1980, about the development of the company after John Davan Sainsbury took over as Chairman in 1969, the management style of the company and new Chairman, the engagement of consultant Ned Harwell to introduce a new system of supplying the shops, flotation of the company on the stock market, financial systems, the pension scheme, changes to the senior management, diversification, and design.
"Sainsbury's in The 1950's and 1960s" and "Sainsbury's - The Fourth Generation" essays by B.T. Ramm
Comprises photographs and slides of television and radio commercials including: stills from first television advertisement [1958]; slides of 1973 [Telford?] television advertisement; Sainsbury's radio commercials recording [Dec 1973]; stills taken from 'Own Label' television advertisement (18 Feb 1975); stills from 'Bangers' television advertisement [Nov 1977]; stills from Oct 1978 television advertisements; stills and slides from "Discount '78" television advertisement; photograph of Michael Barratt and his team filming at Stamford House [Oct 1978]; photographs of the filming of 1979 Sainsbury's television commercial; stills and slides of television advertisement featuring the slogan "Good food costs less" [possibly 1979]; slides of [c.1980s-1990s] 'Barbecue/B.B.Q.' television advertisement; slide of television advertisement featuring Dudley Moore [for Sainsbury's?]; photograph of Marketing director Peter Davis receiving the Times Award for best advertisement [Feb 1978]; slide of magazine article featuring award-winning Sainsbury's advertisements (produced by Abbott Mead Vickers/SMS Ltd.); photograph of radio award won for Sainsbury's advertisement [Jan 1978]. Also contains colour photographs of television commercials for various campaigns e.g. 'Everyone's favourite ingredient', Sainsbury's 'Classic Cola', "Save at Sainsbury's", 'Essential for the Essentials' and 'Where good food costs less'.
Photographs and slides of television and radio commercials
Keywords: Appointment of Peter Davis and Bob Ingham to the board in charge of dairy, bakery, wines and spirits and advertising, design, market research and the non-food departments (includes pictures) pg 2; Consultation over pension plans pg 3; Jubilee display kit available from head office pg 3; Donation to the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust pg 3; Winner of the Miss JS finals pg 4; Appointment of Jan Walsh as reporter on the JS Journal (includes picture) pg 4; Compulsory purchase of Battersea branch pg 4; Picture of Arthur Lowe (Dad's Army) at Stamford House pg 5; Dutch Fresh Food at Sainsbury's promotional weeks (includes logo) pg 5; Easter opening hours pg 5; Staff comments on the Bullock report pg 7; Work of the Central Accounting and Internal Auditing departments based at Streatham offices (Norwich House) (includes pictures) pgs 8-11; Pictures of Miss JS finals pgs 12-13; Pictures of Putney branch hosting the first supermarket trolley grand prix pgs 14-15; Picture of certificate used in conjunction with the promotion of selling of the King's beef in branches in 1933 pg 18; Retirements of Peter Snow, Mark Robinson, Nabel Aylmore and Cyril Hart (includes pictures) pgs 21-23; Schedule of openings, extensions and planning applications for branches pg 24.
'JS Journal', March 1977