Related content
Newsletter for staff in the Depot Division of J. Sainsbury Ltd. Contents: “Record £221m turnover” annual financial results for 1970/71 financial year “A beef to boast about!” 'Philpott File' television programme featuring beef processing at Charlton Depot “The links in the chain” impact of the new Manager Ordering System “Bretton the big one for 1972” opening of new Bretton supermarket 25k sq. Ft. “Adverse trend on depot costs” rise in total depot division costs “The big-league boys” listing of some of the biggest food chains in the UK, comparing the financial results and numbers of stores of each company “A firm to be proud of” comment on list above. “Sainsbury’s open here in June” summary of intended branch openings. “Ready Steady Deppo” cartoon representation of depot life “Responsibility goes right down the line” interview with depot board director Gurth Hoyer Millar by J.L. Woods “Depot Summit” depot managers annual meeting “The efficient depot” bullet points on depot practice. Cartoon on wage negotiations.
'Depot Review' newsletter
Photograph by Brian Shuel of one of the weekly design meetings at Sainsbury's (which discussed the design of packaging and publicity material etc). The picture is part of a set of black and white images most of which are similar to or show the same subject as the colour images published in the book 'JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's' edited by James Boswell (1969). This image is similar to one on page 81 of 'JS 100'. On the photograph can be seen (left to right): Peter Dixon (Chief Designer), John Davan Sainsbury (Vice Chairman and Head of Trading) [later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover], J.L. Woods (Jim Woods) (Advertising Manager), and three unidentified men.
Image of a weekly design meeting
Photograph by Brian Shuel of one of the weekly design meetings at Sainsbury's (which discussed the design of packaging and publicity material etc). The picture is part of a set of black and white images most of which are similar to or show the same subject as the colour images published in the book 'JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's' edited by James Boswell (1969). This image is similar to one on page 81 of 'JS 100'. On the photograph can be seen (at the back, left to right): Peter Dixon (Chief Designer), John Davan Sainsbury (Vice Chairman and Head of Trading) [later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover], J.L. Woods (Jim Woods) (Advertising Manager), and two unidentified men in the foreground.
Image of a weekly design meeting
Photograph taken at Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane's 80th birthday dinner held at the Dorchester. The event was attended by Sainsbury's directors (including members of the Sainsbury family) and some retired senior managers and directors. Includes Cecil Roberts, Jim Woods (centre) and Sir (later Lord) J.D. Sainsbury (right). Photographer's reference number 2509/1/12A.
Image of Lord Alan Sainsbury's 80th birthday dinner: Cecil Roberts, Jim Woods and Sir John Sainsbury
Photograph taken at Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane's 80th birthday dinner held at the Dorchester. The event was attended by Sainsbury's directors (including members of the Sainsbury family) and some retired senior managers and directors. Caption on back of print identifies Mr [Bernard] Ramm pictured (top right). Also pictured in photograph is Cecil Roberts (left), Jim Woods (centre) and Arthur Trask (seated). Peter Davis can be seen in the background. Photographer's reference number 2509/3/33.
Image of Lord Alan Sainsbury's 80th birthday dinner: Cecil Roberts, Jim Woods, Bernard Ramm and Arthur Trask
Audio recording and transcript of a meeting between F.W. Salisbury (Sainsbury's director) and Jim Woods (Sainsbury's Publicity Manager) discussing draft of Sainsbury's 100 years book ("JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's"). According to a note on one of the cassettes, these conversations were held in Salisbury's garden at Bosham in Summer 1968. Summary of content: 64_A: early 1900s?: Page 9 of draft general design of shops. 1920s (approximate): Butchers' blocks and butchery, bacon. ?: Horse repository. Distribution, range of goods. First World War: Meat imports. early 1900s: Margarine. Butter. Building new shops - stories about JB and Frank Sainsbury. Costs. Haverhill, egg production. Stamford House site [main head office building], previous shops. Early competitors. Maypole Dairies, Home & Colonial dairies. New shops in Dalston, Ealing. John Collis. Early Stamford House (Sainsbury's head office). Sausages - Baxters, Sainsbury's early manufacture. More about sausages. L.J. King advertising lamp shade. Last gas lamps, change to electric, early refrigeration, cold stores, N. Pole Ice Co. Early innovations, hygiene. Page 16 of draft - messengers, horses & carts. Imports of food. Cooked meats, references to JB Sainsbury. Sausages; JB Sainsbury and beef sausages. Different goods sold. Frank Sainsbury and eggs, poultry, Lloyd Maunder [supplier to Sainsbury's]. Rabbits from Ostend. 65_A: early 1900s: More about imports. Working conditions. Early Closing Act and Association. Closing hours. Takings per shop. 1905-1910: More about takings. Delivery vans and taking. early 1900s: Kensington shop description. Animals and breeds, Frank Lloyd Maunder. Commodity knowledge, JB Sainsbury. Early beginnings of Lloyd Maunder association. 1930: Visit to Ireland with Mr Alan Sainsbury. ?: More about Lloyd Maunder and family. 1930s?: Powers Samas, accounting. Scotch beef, John Collis. Page 22 of draft. Canterbury Frozen meat Co. ?: References to Frank Sainsbury. early 1900s, First World War: Wages, conditions. First World War: Rationing. Derby scheme. 1919: Norton and training. 1914-19: Cheese, teas, range, prices. 1920s: Introduction of grocery by JB Sainsbury. Third generation of Sainsbury's. New Grocery Lanham. Selsa introduction. post First World War: Delivery trucks. Packaging groceries. 66_A post First World War: New staff, depression. Intro of delivery charge. 1931: Acquisition of site for plant, kitchens, factory. 1914 onwards: Distribution - options, difficulties with rail, steam wagons, first motor vehicles, transport managers. Early 1930s: Accounting, Power Samas, pension scheme. Beginning of Second World War: Trading. End of Second World War?: First selling of tomatoes. Second World War: Points scheme. Closure of branches. End of Second World War: Trading situation. Fullers. Livestock, loss of breeding stock during war. Cattle breeds. post Second World War: Extension of grocery range. changing use of space in stores. introduction of cash registers. Large increase in trade-figures. Increase in counter space, talk about introduction of self-service. Building licenses and lack of new equipment. various dates: 9-11 Croydon, other early stores. 1930s: Frozen foods and early cabinets. 1940s: Opening of first self-service, store design. Early Express checkouts. Store openings. 1950s: Fresh meat self-service. 1940s/50s: Staff relations, wages living in. Various dates, up to 1950s: RJ Sainsbury and work on rehabilitation. Opening/closing hours and regulations. Various stores. Difficulties with local council in obtaining building licenses in specific places. Various dates: Historical comparison of price per sq. ft. and rents ?: Cheneys (ph), JB Sainsbury, reference to JJ Sainsbury. possibly early 1930s: Stamford and Wakefield House, offices, factory. ?: Six departments. 67_A: Goat and Compasses. Whale meat. Coventry. Women's employment 1914. 515 Finchley Road. Kippers appeared for the first time. Tomatoes. Fish cake Fullers. Livestock culled. Milk Marketing Board 1950s. National Cattle Breeders' Association. FW Salisbury - 6 month period at Smithfield. Groceries. Belgian penny wafers. Dutch Custard Powder. Australian goods. Shop fronts removed for extra counter space 1950s. Rationing. New store design. National Cash Registers. Hygiene. Swifts of Chicago. Building licences. New equipment. Refrigeration case. Ice cream Ruislip. Frozen food counters for grocery. Renovation of old teak shop front. Express checkouts. Grange Hill London County Council estate. Lewisham 1954. Technological difficulties. Customer credit. Housekeeper. Rehabilitation of men returning from war service. 68_A Ilford butcher shop closed Monday afternoon. Personnel. 1922 introduction of wage for age scale. Corruption. Kingston. Staff Association. Epsom. Henry Valence. Sainsbury's sausages and Baxter's sausages. Wakefield House. Cooked meats.
Audio recording and transcript of F.W. Salisbury and J. Woods discussing history of Sainsbury's for 'JS 100' book
Letter from J. Woods of Sainsbury's to C.E. Friedmann, Esq. of Mather & Crowther Ltd [advertising agents for Sainsbury's] returning proof 'B' of the "There's a welcome from BOTH sides of the counter at Sainsbury's" advertisement and passing on the Firm's comments about the preferred proof 'A' (of the two proofs) which include making the pre-war prices in the illustration illegible and making the word "BOTH" more clear by etching away the backgound behind the letters "BO". The author of the letter also confirms that the Firm is keeping the agreed list of newspapers as, in the event of an unexpected staff shortage at any of the branches covered, J.S. may have to make a last minute cancellation.
Letter to Mather & Crowther Ltd about 'There's a welcome from both sides...' advertisement
Keywords: Colchester Sainsbury's/B.H.S [British Home Stores]. hypermarket plan [SavaCentre] p.1; South Eastern area's Miss J.S. contest p.1 and p.8; annual general meeting p.1; abolition of clocking-in p.2; Sainsbury's veterans' trip to Hastings p.2; cricket (with photographs) p.2 and p.3; Wood Green branch (with photograph) p.2; Sainsbury lorry drivers (with photographs) p.3; new kind of delivery lorry at Buntingford depot p.3; new range of 'J.S. label' ladies' jumpers (with photograph) p.3; Sainsbury's trolleys p.3; construction of supermarket at Kempton (with photographs) pp.4-5; opening of new Watney Street branch (with photographs) pp.4-5; opening of new Central Northampton branch (with photographs) p.5; Daisy Knight, printroom manager (with photograph) p.6; retirement of Norman Johnson, manager of branch engineering (with photograph) p.6; retirement of Jim Woods, publicity manager (with photograph) p.6; 'It's a Knock-out' contest staged by the South Eastern area SSA [Sainsbury's Staff Association] (with photographs) p.8; Buntingford depot's annual Gala Day (with photograph) p.8
'JS Journal', July 1975
Front page: "Not too hot to handle" about hot summer effect on produce; "Town hall price lists about local price surveys/comparisons; anti-influenza is out about flu vaccine not being offered to staff; Page 2: "Bomb-hoax at East Ham is no joke"; "Hilary gets crowned again but it doesn't turn her head" about Sainsbury supergirl; "JS urges shoppers to speak out"; "Hot start for Hayes End" about a new store opening in Middlesex; "Take a card and save a life" about kidney donor cards being displayed in stores. Page 3: "Pinner makes a little energy go a long way" about energy conservation; "Cheesman's dip" about Allan Cheesman receiving the diploma of Wine and Spirit Education Trust; "Is there anybody out there who wants to come in?" about the Mastiff security system installed in the computer room at Blackfriars [head office]; "First-aiders inspect 'remains'" about first-aiders visiting the Gordon Museum. Page 4 & 5: "Women at work" interviews with 6 women, Ann Everett, Susan Dark, Anne Couzens, Veronica Miller, Muriel Barnett and Mary Daly. Page 6: "Lovers' meating ends in marriage" retirement of Jim Woods, George Ince and Alan Rickman. Page 7: People appointments, long service, retirements and obituary. Page 8: "New labs for old" about JS central laboratories moving to Rennie House.
'JS Journal', September 1975
Newsletter for staff in the Depot Division of J. Sainsbury Ltd. Contents: “1972” summary of plans for the financial year 1972/3 “There will be 17 new branches in 1972” list of planned new branches for the year. “The Chairman comments on the Common Market” record of interview on Panorama “Branch Ordering” outline of new ordering system with cartoons. “Board Postpones Decision” consideration of proposal for meat packing line at Buntingford depot. “SCASS” outline of Supplies Control and Scheduling System (computer system for controlling stock at the depots). “S.J. Cody” retirement of Depot Divisional Distribution Manager. Cartoon of management communication style. "Interview No 2 with Depot Division Director" - interview of Gurth Hoyer Millar by J.L. Woods "Sainsbury's Best Buy Says "Which?" - Sainsbury's being praised in 'Which?' magazine November 1971 report on 13 major national grocery chains. "Depot Review" - questionnaire asking what readers would like to see in 'Depot Review'
'Depot Review' newsletter
Also includes notes on reminiscences by F W Salisbury, Mr Snow and Jim Woods, and a couple of articles on pensions.
JS Journal articles about veterans' reminscences
Photograph taken at Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane's 80th birthday dinner held at the Dorchester. The event was attended by Sainsbury's directors (including members of the Sainsbury family) and some retired senior managers and directors. Caption on the back identifies Jim Woods, pictured (right) in photograph. Also includes Tom Vyner (centre). Photographer's reference number 2509/2/7.
Image of Lord Alan Sainsbury's 80th birthday dinner: guests
Photograph taken at Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane's 80th birthday dinner held at the Dorchester. The event was attended by Sainsbury's directors (including members of the Sainsbury family) and some retired senior managers and directors. Caption on back of print identifies guests as: "L-R Mr RJ [Robert Sainsbury], Max Justice, retired director and current president of the veterans association and Jim Woods, retired senior manager." Photographer's reference number 2509/3/4.
Image of Lord Alan Sainsbury's 80th birthday dinner: Sir Robert Sainsbury, Max Justice and Jim Woods
Photograph by Brian Shuel of one of the weekly design meetings at Sainsbury's (which discussed the design of packaging and publicity material etc). The picture is part of a set of black and white images most of which are similar to or show the same subject as the colour images published in the book 'JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's' edited by James Boswell (1969). This image is similar to one on page 81 of 'JS 100'. On the photograph can be seen (left to right): Peter Dixon (Chief Designer), John Davan Sainsbury (Vice Chairman and Head of Trading) [later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover], J.L. Woods (Jim Woods) (Advertising Manager), and three unidentified men.
Image of a weekly design meeting
Keywords: closure of Clapham offices p.2; Basingstoke clubhouse, depot, SSA [Sainsbury's Staff Association] p.3; Freezer Centre, Burnt Oak p.3; dimmer switches, electrical items p.4; Keith Brackenborough, packaging, labelling p.4; 'hot-boning', meat preparation p.5; East Barnet Road, store development p.5; Easy Pint instant milk p.5; Northwich, store development pp.8-11; hardware, kitchen tinware pp.12-13 & 17; Jim Woods p.18; Bill Heron p.19; Issues Related Informational System IRIS, computers goods database p.21; Doug Bramham p.22; Ted Smith p.23; JS Amateur Dramatic Society, archive p.24.
'JS Journal', February 1979
Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets. Contents “Community Hero” Jed Shah invited to visit Downing Street “Sketchy memories make a vivid book” Veteran Jim Woods publishes a book of his sketches “Reunion 2010” reports from the regions “Welfare Scheme extends to Respite Care” an article by Veterans Chairman “EAC” information on the Elderly Accommodation Counsel “An invitation to Visit” more members needed for the Visitors Scheme “Take a Veteran to Work Day” eight Veterans report for work at Farlington store, where they saw how things had changed “Info Spring 2010” new members, birthdays, anniversaries and obituaries “Letters” letters from members “Local Associations” reports from the Associations “SSA Offers for Veterans” discounted holidays and trips
'Veterans News', Spring 2010
Photograph taken at Lord Sainsbury of Drury Lane's 80th birthday dinner held at the Dorchester. The event was attended by Sainsbury's directors (including members of the Sainsbury family) and some retired senior managers and directors. Sir Robert Sainsbury (left), Max Justice, retired director and current president of the veterans association (centre) and Jim Woods, retired senior manager (right) pictured in photograph. Photographer's reference number 2509/3/10.
Image of Lord Alan Sainsbury's 80th birthday dinner: Sir Robert Sainsbury, Max Justice and Jim Woods
Photographs of a meeting of the Planning Committee - Mr Timothy Sainsbury, Mr J.G. Dearlove (Manager of the Branch Staff Planning Department), Mr J.L. Woods (Merchandising Manager), and Mr R. Linfield (Manager of the Shop Planning Department). Some of the photographs appear in JS Journal March 1962 ("A new Sainsbury's will open....").
Images of meeting of Sainsbury's Planning Committee
Photograph by Brian Shuel of one of the weekly design meetings at Sainsbury's (which discussed the design of packaging and publicity material etc). The picture is part of a set of black and white images most of which are similar to or show the same subject as the colour images published in the book 'JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's' edited by James Boswell (1969). This image is similar to one on page 81 of 'JS 100'. On the photograph can be seen (left to right): Peter Dixon (Chief Designer), John Davan Sainsbury (Vice Chairman and Head of Trading) [later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover], J.L. Woods (Jim Woods) (Advertising Manager).
Image of a weekly design meeting
Photograph by Brian Shuel of one of the weekly design meetings at Sainsbury's (which discussed the design of packaging and publicity material etc). The picture is part of a set of black and white images most of which are similar to or show the same subject as the colour images published in the book 'JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's' edited by James Boswell (1969). This image is similar to one on page 81 of 'JS 100'. On the photograph can be seen (left to right): Peter Dixon (Chief Designer), John Davan Sainsbury (Vice Chairman and Head of Trading) [later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover], J.L. Woods (Jim Woods) (Advertising Manager).
Image of a weekly design meeting
Magazine (24 pages) published for Sainsbury's Veterans Association. Contents: “Chairman’s Report” report from the Association's Chairman “The position on payslips” information on your pension payments “Christmas Wishes” season’s good wishes from Central Office “Reunion no-shows” reminder to inform the association if you are unable to attend “Words and Pictures” artist Jim Woods has written his first book “Christmas Crossword” a good traditional crossword “Mystery Store” do you happen to know its whereabouts “Collette gets cuddly” “Competition” a chance to win a Rocky Mountain fleece “Over 60s Art Awards” EAC are holding their Art Awards again "Cranberry Sauce” Wendy Godfrey’s latest recipe “Letters” a selection of your letters “Retirements, Birthdays, Anniversaries and Obituaries” “You Choose” listing of SSA offers “Local Associations” reports from twelve associations “SSA Offers” a list of offers for Veterans “Travel Club” membership entitles you to year-round discounts
'Veterans News', Winter 2002
Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets. Contents: “Welcome to the autumn Veterans News” introduction from Association Chairman “Veterans help store celebrate makeover” Veterans at reopening of Shrewsbury store “Scottish friends gather” Scottish veteran’s lunch “Joyful Thanks” thank on her retirement to chair of Romford local association “News from the business” news items concerning J Sainsbury plc “2015 reunions” details from area reunions “Veterans Discount card - conditions of use” rules for veterans discount cards “Welcome...” welcome to new association members “Couple Double up Retirement” two married veterans retire” “Journey to the centre of the Veterans world” visit to veterans office in Holborn office “Making my mark” charity work of veteran “Local Associations” - reports from local Veterans associations, including recent events “Regions Change Shape” changes to Veterans Association regional structure “Get ready for the reunions” dates of 2015 reunions “Have you danced with a dolphin?” holiday details of veteran “Congratulations” diamond wedding anniversary of veteran “SSA offers” holiday offers from staff association “Tributes” tributes to veterans Jim Woods, Brian Goodswen and Joyce Winterbottom on their deaths “With Sympathy” record of the deaths of veterans during the Autumn “Birthdays” decision to discontinue birthday details due to data protection “Holiday Offers” offers from the veterans travel club
'Veterans News', Autumn 2015
Magazine (8 pages) for JS Veterans (retired staff) published by the Veterans Welfare Section and the SSA [Sainsbury's Staff Association]. Contents: 'Autumn in New England' - article on visit by Graeme Nichols 'Keeping in Touch' - article about Jim Woods by Ron Topp 'Tuesday Club' - about bowling tournament with Victoria Bowling Club 'News from Norwich' - Veterans meeting 'Letters' - includes memories of working at Northwood Hills branch and photos. 'Where There's A Will' - article on making a will 'Her Mother's Ring' - poem
'JS Veterans News', November 1990
One other person pictured with Lord Alan (left) and J[im] Woods (right) in a store (probably somewhere in the Southampton area). Photograph by Southern Newspapers Ltd. Southampton.
Image of Alan Sainsbury with Jim Woods and another man in a Sainsbury's store
Photograph by Brian Shuel of one of the weekly design meetings at Sainsbury's (which discussed the design of packaging and publicity material etc). The picture is part of a set of black and white images most of which are similar to or show the same subject as the colour images published in the book 'JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's' edited by James Boswell (1969). This image is similar to one on page 81 of 'JS 100'. On the photograph can be seen (left to right): Peter Dixon (Chief Designer), John Davan Sainsbury (Vice Chairman and Head of Trading) [later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover], J.L. Woods (Jim Woods) (Advertising Manager), and three unidentified men.
Image of a weekly design meeting
Photograph by Brian Shuel of one of the weekly design meetings at Sainsbury's (which discussed the design of packaging and publicity material etc). The picture is part of a set of black and white images most of which are similar to or show the same subject as the colour images published in the book 'JS 100: The Story of Sainsbury's' edited by James Boswell (1969). This image is similar to one on page 81 of 'JS 100'. On the photograph can be seen (left to right): Peter Dixon (Chief Designer), John Davan Sainsbury (Vice Chairman and Head of Trading) [later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover], J.L. Woods (Jim Woods) (Advertising Manager).
Image of a weekly design meeting
Advertisement from a "Great Eastern Railway" magazine (August 1912) featuring the following pieces of text: "J. Sainsbury's Provision Stores, offer the finest quality and value obtainable" and "There is no distrbutive concern on the Great Eastern line to-day which supplies provisions direct from the Producer to the Consumer at such a small rate of profit..."
Advertisement from "Great Eastern Railway" magazine, 1912
Letter (10 pages) from J.L. Woods of Sainsbury's to A. Tennant of Mather & Crowther Ltd. The letter answers a questionnaire sent by Mather & Crowther which appears to have been intended to help them develop plans for television advertising in 1961. The letter does not appear to specifically refer to the advertising campaign but gives much background information detailing many aspects of Sainsbury's trading activities. It includes information on: Product groups - percentage of turnover and gross profit of Sainsbury's main product groups, the importance of own brand products compared with nationally marketing brands (giving percentage of sales of various products eg flour which are own-brand), information on quality and freshness, Sainsbury's national market share of various products, scope for expansion, price promotions, comparison of counter service and self service stores, packaging, Special Cure Bacon, potential support from other organizations eg New Zealand Dairy Board for product advertising, expansion plans Competition - information on Sainsbury's main competitors, the development of new supermarket chains by various companies, competition with food brands, voluntary groups of retailers, cut price competition Price changes and fluctuations in demand - products with volatile prices, seasonable variations, Christmas, numbers of customers
Letter to Mather & Crowther Ltd giving details about Sainsbury's for use in developing an advertising campaign, 20 Jan 1960