Christmas Lunch
The ghost of Christmas lunches from the past.
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Cardboard box with carry handle for holding a turkey. This type of box was used for customer Christmas turkey orders. Inscription on box reads "SAINSBURY'S English turkey, guaranteed finest quality, READY TO COOK". Also written by hand is the price and weight of the turkey the box held and also an inscription that may be a customer's name.
Sainsbury's English Turkey box
Proof of cardboard packets for two products on a single sheet of cardboard, with annotations of suggested changes. Labelled on back "Designed by John Hill, approx 1970"
Sainsbury's Quick Dried Mixed Vegetables (1oz. 15dr. 1/3 3 servings) and Sainsbury's Quick Dried Peas & Carrots (1oz. 15dr. 1/1 3 servings) proof of packaging
One copy labelled on back "1,500 Requested[?], 500, 12 months 1200 dozen, 10,000 ordered 24/10/67"
Sainsbury's Cyprus Medium Sherry label
Labelled "O.K. subject to amendment of choc & iced biscuits revised 10.8.65"
Sainsbury's Christmas Assortment (2lb net) label
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